包 | com.adobe.gravity.utility.async |
接口 | public interface IToken |
实现器 | AggregatingToken, AsyncTokenWrapper, ImmediateFaultToken, ImmediateSuccessToken, Token |
语言版本: | ActionScript 3.0 |
产品版本: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework 10 |
运行时版本: | AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9 |
Success handlers take an arbitrary number of parameters. The number and type of the parameters depend on the API that returns the token; the API documentation will generally indicate what to expect. Fault handlers must take a single parameter of type Error.
The asynchronous token concept: the classes in this package implement the asynchronous token concept. Instead of calling asynchronous methods on an object and adding event listeners to that object to learn the result, a token is returned from the asynchronous method and success and fault handlers are added to the token.
For example, in the traditional Flash model one might have:
public function addPhotoToLibrary(photoUrl:String, library:PhotoLibrary):void { library.importPhoto(photoUrl); library.addEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_COMPLETE, importCompleteHandler); library.addEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_FAULT, importFaultHandler); } public function importCompleteHandler(event:PhotoLibraryEvent):void { library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_COMPLETE, importCompleteHandler); library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_FAULT, importFaultHandler); var photo:IPhoto = event.photo; // now that the photo has been imported, do something else } public function importFaultHandler(fault:FaultEvent):void { library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_COMPLETE, importCompleteHandler); library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_FAULT, importFaultHandler); // deal with the error here }
With a token, the pattern is slightly different:
public function addPhotoToLibrary(photoUrl:String, library:PhotoLibrary):void { var token:IToken = library.importPhoto(photoUrl); token.addSuccessHandler(importCompleteHandler); token.addFaultHandler(importFaultHandler); } public function importCompleteHandler(photo:IPhoto):void { // now that the photo has been imported, do something else } public function importFaultHandler(error:Error):void { // deal with the error here }
The benefit of this model is that since the token is associated with a specific invocation of the operation, handlers added to that token will only get invoked for that specific operation invocation.
方法 | 由以下参数定义 |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 11:04 AM Z