Adobe® Flash® Platform 用 ActionScript® 3.0 リファレンスガイド
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IToken  - AS3 ADEP Client Component

インターフェイスpublic interface IToken
実装者 AggregatingToken, AsyncTokenWrapper, ImmediateFaultToken, ImmediateSuccessToken, Token

言語バージョン: ActionScript 3.0
製品バージョン: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework 10
ランタイムバージョン: AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9

IToken objects are returned from functions that initiate asynchronous operations. You are guaranteed that either the fault handlers or the success handlers will be invoked, depending on whether the operation succeeded or failed.

Success handlers take an arbitrary number of parameters. The number and type of the parameters depend on the API that returns the token; the API documentation will generally indicate what to expect. Fault handlers must take a single parameter of type Error.

The asynchronous token concept: the classes in this package implement the asynchronous token concept. Instead of calling asynchronous methods on an object and adding event listeners to that object to learn the result, a token is returned from the asynchronous method and success and fault handlers are added to the token.

For example, in the traditional Flash model one might have:

	 public function addPhotoToLibrary(photoUrl:String, library:PhotoLibrary):void
	    library.addEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_COMPLETE, importCompleteHandler);
	    library.addEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_FAULT, importFaultHandler);
	 public function importCompleteHandler(event:PhotoLibraryEvent):void
	    library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_COMPLETE, importCompleteHandler);
	    library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_FAULT, importFaultHandler);
	    var photo:IPhoto =;
	    // now that the photo has been imported, do something else
	 public function importFaultHandler(fault:FaultEvent):void
	 library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_COMPLETE, importCompleteHandler);
	 library.removeEventHandler(PhotoLibraryEvent.IMPORT_FAULT, importFaultHandler);
	 // deal with the error here

With a token, the pattern is slightly different:

	 public function addPhotoToLibrary(photoUrl:String, library:PhotoLibrary):void
	    var token:IToken = library.importPhoto(photoUrl);
	 public function importCompleteHandler(photo:IPhoto):void
	    // now that the photo has been imported, do something else
	 public function importFaultHandler(error:Error):void
	 // deal with the error here

The benefit of this model is that since the token is associated with a specific invocation of the operation, handlers added to that token will only get invoked for that specific operation invocation.

addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean = false):void
Add a handler to be called if the operation fails.
addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean = false):void
Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds.
Remove a fault handler.
Remove a success handler.


public function addFaultHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean = false):void

言語バージョン: ActionScript 3.0
製品バージョン: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework 10
ランタイムバージョン: AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9

Add a handler to be called if the operation fails.


handler:Function — A function to be called if the operation fails.
weakReference:Boolean (default = false) — Use a weak reference to hold onto the handler.


public function addSuccessHandler(handler:Function, weakReference:Boolean = false):void

言語バージョン: ActionScript 3.0
製品バージョン: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework 10
ランタイムバージョン: AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9

Add a handler to be called if the operation succeeds.


handler:Function — A function to be called if the operation succeeds.
weakReference:Boolean (default = false) — Use a weak reference to hold onto the handler.


public function removeFaultHandler(handler:Function):void

言語バージョン: ActionScript 3.0
製品バージョン: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework 10
ランタイムバージョン: AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9

Remove a fault handler.


handler:Function — The handler to be removed.


public function removeSuccessHandler(handler:Function):void

言語バージョン: ActionScript 3.0
製品バージョン: Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework 10
ランタイムバージョン: AIR 1.1, Flash Player 9

Remove a success handler.


handler:Function — The handler to remove.

[ X ]英語で表示される理由
ActionScript 3.0 リファレンスガイドのコンテンツが英語で表示されます。

ActionScript 3.0 リファレンスガイドのすべての部分がすべての言語に翻訳されているわけではありません。言語エレメントが翻訳されていない場合、そのエレメントは英語で表示されます。例えば、ga.controls.HelpBox クラスはどの言語にも訳されていません。このため、リファレンスガイドの日本語バージョンでは、ga.controls.HelpBox クラスは英語で表示されます。