Paquete | spark.components.gridClasses |
Interfaz | public interface IGridItemEditor extends IDataRenderer , IVisualElement , IFocusManagerComponent , IIMESupport , ILayoutElement , ILayoutDirectionElement , IEventDispatcher |
Implementadores | GridItemEditor |
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
All of the item editor's properties are set by the owner during
the start of the editor session.
The data
property is the last property set.
When the data
property is set, an item editor should
set the value of the editor's controls.
Next, the editor's prepare()
method is called.
IGridItemEditor implementations should override the prepare()
to make any final adjustments to its properties or any aspect of its visual elements.
When the editor is closing, the discard()
method is called.
When the editor is closed, the input value can be saved or canceled.
If saving, the save()
function is called by the editor
to write new values to the data provider element corresponding to the
row of the edited cell.
Elementos de API relacionados
Propiedad | Definido por | ||
alpha : Number
Indica el valor de transparencia alfa del objeto especificado. | IVisualElement | ||
baseline : Object
The vertical distance in pixels from the anchor target to
the control's baseline position. | ILayoutElement | ||
baselinePosition : Number [solo lectura]
The y-coordinate of the baseline
of the first line of text of the component. | ILayoutElement | ||
bottom : Object
The vertical distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the component to the
anchor target's bottom edge. | ILayoutElement | ||
column : GridColumn
The column of the cell being edited. | IGridItemEditor | ||
columnIndex : int [solo lectura]
The zero-based index of the column being edited. | IGridItemEditor | ||
data : Object
The data to render or edit. | IDataRenderer | ||
dataGrid : DataGrid [solo lectura]
The control that owns this item editor. | IGridItemEditor | ||
depth : Number
Determines the order in which items inside of containers
are rendered. | IVisualElement | ||
designLayer : DesignLayer
Specifies the optional DesignLayer instance associated with this visual
element. | IVisualElement | ||
enableIME : Boolean [solo lectura]
Specifies whether the IME should be enabled when
this component has focus. | IIMESupport | ||
focusEnabled : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus when selected. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
hasFocusableChildren : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
hasLayoutMatrix3D : Boolean [solo lectura]
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix. | ILayoutElement | ||
height : Number
Indica la altura del objeto de visualización, expresada en píxeles. | IVisualElement | ||
horizontalCenter : Object
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component to the
center of the anchor target's content area. | ILayoutElement | ||
imeMode : String
The IME mode of the component. | IIMESupport | ||
includeInLayout : Boolean
Specifies whether this component is included in the layout of the
parent container. | ILayoutElement | ||
is3D : Boolean [solo lectura]
Contains true when the element is in 3D. | IVisualElement | ||
layoutDirection : String
Specifies the desired layout direction for an element: one of LayoutDirection.LTR
(left to right), LayoutDirection.RTL (right to left), or null (inherit). | ILayoutDirectionElement | ||
left : Object
The horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of the component to the
anchor target's left edge. | ILayoutElement | ||
mouseFocusEnabled : Boolean [solo lectura]
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus
when selected with the mouse. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
owner : DisplayObjectContainer
The owner of this IVisualElement object. | IVisualElement | ||
parent : DisplayObjectContainer [solo lectura]
The parent container or component for this component. | IVisualElement | ||
percentHeight : Number
Specifies the height of a component as a percentage
of its parent's size. | ILayoutElement | ||
percentWidth : Number
Specifies the width of a component as a percentage
of its parent's size. | ILayoutElement | ||
postLayoutTransformOffsets : mx.geom:TransformOffsets
Defines a set of adjustments that can be applied to the object's
transform in a way that is invisible to its parent's layout. | IVisualElement | ||
right : Object
The horizontal distance in pixels from the right edge of the component to the
anchor target's right edge. | ILayoutElement | ||
rowIndex : int
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being edited. | IGridItemEditor | ||
tabFocusEnabled : Boolean [solo lectura]
A flag that indicates whether pressing the Tab key eventually
moves focus to this component. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
tabIndex : int
If tabFocusEnabled, the order in which the component receives focus. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
top : Object
The vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of the component to the
anchor target's top edge. | ILayoutElement | ||
verticalCenter : Object
The vertical distance in pixels from the center of the component to the
center of the anchor target's content area. | ILayoutElement | ||
visible : Boolean
Controls the visibility of this visual element. | IVisualElement | ||
width : Number
Indica la anchura del objeto de visualización, expresada en píxeles. | IVisualElement | ||
x : Number
Indica la coordenada x de la instancia de DisplayObject en relación a las coordenadas locales del DisplayObjectContainer principal. | IVisualElement | ||
y : Number
Indica la coordenada y de la instancia de DisplayObject en relación a las coordenadas locales del DisplayObjectContainer principal. | IVisualElement |
Método | Definido por | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra un objeto de detector de eventos con un objeto EventDispatcher, de modo que el detector reciba la notificación de un evento. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Called just before the editor is closed. | IGridItemEditor | ||
Distribuye un evento en el flujo del evento. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's layout height. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's layout width. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's
layout relative to its siblings. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's maximum height. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's maximum width. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's minimum height. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's minimum width. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's preferred height. | ILayoutElement | ||
Returns the element's preferred width. | ILayoutElement | ||
Comprueba si el objeto EventDispatcher tiene detectores registrados para un tipo concreto de evento. | IEventDispatcher | ||
An element must call this method when its layoutDirection changes or
when its parent's layoutDirection changes. | ILayoutDirectionElement | ||
Called after the editor has been created and sized but before the
editor is visible. | IGridItemEditor | ||
Elimina un detector del objeto EventDispatcher. | IEventDispatcher | ||
Saves the value in the editor to the data provider of the
item renderer's owner. | IGridItemEditor | ||
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus. | IFocusManagerComponent | ||
Sets the coordinates that the element uses to draw on screen. | ILayoutElement | ||
Sets the layout size of the element. | ILayoutElement | ||
Sets the transform Matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | ILayoutElement | ||
Sets the transform Matrix3D that is used to calculate the component's layout
size and position relative to its siblings. | ILayoutElement | ||
transformAround(transformCenter:Vector3D, scale:Vector3D = null, rotation:Vector3D = null, translation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutScale:Vector3D = null, postLayoutRotation:Vector3D = null, postLayoutTranslation:Vector3D = null, invalidateLayout:Boolean = true):void
A utility method to update the rotation, scale, and translation of the
transform while keeping a particular point, specified in the component's
own coordinate space, fixed in the parent's coordinate space. | ILayoutElement | ||
Comprueba si hay registrado un detector de eventos con este objeto EventDispatcher o con cualquiera de sus ascendientes para el tipo de evento concreto. | IEventDispatcher |
column | propiedad |
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
The column of the cell being edited.
public function get column():GridColumn
public function set column(value:GridColumn):void
columnIndex | propiedad |
dataGrid | propiedad |
rowIndex | propiedad |
discard | () | método |
public function discard():void
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Called just before the editor is closed.
Use this method to perform any final cleanup,
such as cleaning up anything that was set in the
Do not call this method directly. It should only be called by the control hosting the item editor.
prepare | () | método |
public function prepare():void
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Called after the editor has been created and sized but before the editor is visible. Use this method to adjust the appearance of the editor, add event listeners, or perform any other initializations before it becomes visible.
Do not call this method directly. It should only be called by the control hosting the item editor.
save | () | método |
public function save():Boolean
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 4.5 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 10, AIR 2.5 |
Saves the value in the editor to the data provider of the
item renderer's owner.
This method updates the data provider element corresponding to the
row of the edited cell.
This function calls GridItemEditor.validate()
to verify
the data may be saved.
If the data is not valid, then the data is not saved
and the editor is not closed.
Do not call this method directly.
It should only be called by the control hosting the item editor.
To save and close the editor, call the endItemEditorSession()
method of the item renderer owner.
Boolean — true if the save operation succeeded,
and false if not.
Elementos de API relacionados
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:12 PM Z