Paquete | mx.charts.effects |
Clase | public class SeriesInterpolate |
Herencia | SeriesInterpolate SeriesEffect TweenEffect Effect EventDispatcher Object |
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | Flex 3 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
You only use the SeriesInterpolate effect
with a showDataEffect
effect trigger.
It has no effect if set with a hideDataEffect
Más ejemplos
Propiedades públicas
Propiedades protegidas
Métodos públicos
Método | Definido por | ||
SeriesInterpolate(target:Object = null)
Constructor. | SeriesInterpolate | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra un objeto de detector de eventos con un objeto EventDispatcher, de modo que el detector reciba la notificación de un evento. | EventDispatcher | ||
Captures the current values of the relevant properties
on the effect's targets and saves them as end values. | Effect | ||
Captures the current values of the relevant properties
of an additional set of targets
Flex uses this function when a data change
effect is run.
| Effect | ||
Captures the current values of the relevant properties
on the effect's targets. | Effect | ||
Creates a single effect instance and initializes it. | Effect | ||
Takes an Array of target objects and invokes the
createInstance() method on each target. | Effect | ||
Removes event listeners from an instance
and removes it from the list of instances. | Effect | ||
Distribuye un evento en el flujo del evento. | EventDispatcher | ||
Interrupts an effect that is currently playing,
and jumps immediately to the end of the effect. | Effect | ||
Returns an Array of Strings, where each String is the name
of a property changed by this effect. | Effect | ||
Comprueba si el objeto EventDispatcher tiene detectores registrados para un tipo concreto de evento. | EventDispatcher | ||
Indica si un objeto tiene definida una propiedad especificada. | Object | ||
Indica si hay una instancia de la clase Object en la cadena de prototipo del objeto especificado como parámetro. | Object | ||
Pauses the effect until you call the resume() method. | Effect | ||
Begins playing the effect. | Effect | ||
Indica si existe la propiedad especificada y si es enumerable. | Object | ||
Elimina un detector del objeto EventDispatcher. | EventDispatcher | ||
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. | Effect | ||
Plays the effect in reverse, if the effect is currently playing,
starting from the current position of the effect. | Effect | ||
Establece la disponibilidad de una propiedad dinámica para operaciones de bucle. | Object | ||
Stops the effect, leaving the effect targets in their current state. | Effect | ||
Devuelve la representación de cadena de este objeto, con formato según las convenciones específicas de configuración regional. | Object | ||
Devuelve la representación de cadena del objeto especificado. | Object | ||
Devuelve el valor simple del objeto especificado. | Object | ||
Comprueba si hay registrado un detector de eventos con este objeto EventDispatcher o con cualquiera de sus ascendientes para el tipo de evento concreto. | EventDispatcher |
Métodos protegidos
Información sobre constructores
SeriesInterpolate | () | Información sobre |
Ejemplos Cómo utilizar este ejemplo
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Simple example to demonstrate the CandlestickChart control. --> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; [Bindable] private var companyAAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [ { Date: "25-Jul", Open: 40.75, High: 40.75, Low: 40.24, Close:40.31}, { Date: "26-Jul", Open: 39.98, High: 40.78, Low: 39.97, Close:40.34}, { Date: "27-Jul", Open: 40.38, High: 40.66, Low: 40, Close:40.63}, { Date: "28-Jul", Open: 40.49, High: 40.99, Low: 40.3, Close:40.98}, { Date: "29-Jul", Open: 40.13, High: 40.4, Low: 39.65, Close:39.95}, { Date: "1-Aug", Open: 39.00, High: 39.50, Low: 38.7, Close:38.6}, { Date: "2-Aug", Open: 38.68, High: 39.34, Low: 37.75, Close:38.84}, { Date: "3-Aug", Open: 38.76, High: 38.76, Low: 38.03, Close:38.12}, { Date: "4-Aug", Open: 37.98, High: 37.98, Low: 36.56, Close:36.69}, { Date: "5-Aug", Open: 36.61, High: 37, Low: 36.48, Close:36.86} ]); [Bindable] private var companyBAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [ { Date: "25-Jul", Open: 18.50, High: 19, Low: 18.48, Close:18.86}, { Date: "26-Jul", Open: 19.56, High: 19.98, Low: 18.6, Close:18.69}, { Date: "27-Jul", Open: 20.81, High: 20.99, Low: 20.03, Close:20.12}, { Date: "28-Jul", Open: 20.70, High: 21.00, Low: 19.5, Close:20.84}, { Date: "29-Jul", Open: 21.7, High: 21.79, Low: 20.45, Close:20.6}, { Date: "1-Aug", Open: 22.45, High: 22.65, Low: 21.65, Close:21.95}, { Date: "2-Aug", Open: 22.56, High: 22.6, Low: 22.05, Close:22.98}, { Date: "3-Aug", Open: 22.42, High: 22.70, Low: 22.1, Close:22.63}, { Date: "4-Aug", Open: 21.67, High: 22.82, Low: 21.67, Close:22.34}, { Date: "5-Aug", Open: 22.44, High: 22.85, Low: 22.12, Close:22.31} ]); ]]> </fx:Script> <fx:Declarations> <mx:SeriesInterpolate id="interpolateIn" duration="1000"/> </fx:Declarations> <mx:Panel title="CandlestickChart Control Example" height="100%" width="100%" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10"> <mx:CandlestickChart id="candlestickchart" height="100%" width="100%" paddingRight="5" paddingLeft="5" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{companyAAC}"> <mx:verticalAxis> <mx:LinearAxis id="vaxis" baseAtZero="false" title="Price"/> </mx:verticalAxis> <mx:horizontalAxis> <mx:CategoryAxis id="haxis" categoryField="Date" title="Date"/> </mx:horizontalAxis> <mx:horizontalAxisRenderers> <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{haxis}" canDropLabels="true"/> </mx:horizontalAxisRenderers> <mx:series> <mx:CandlestickSeries openField="Open" highField="High" lowField="Low" closeField="Close" showDataEffect="{interpolateIn}"/> </mx:series> </mx:CandlestickChart> <mx:Label width="100%" color="blue" text="Choose a company to view recent stock data."/> <mx:HBox> <mx:RadioButton groupName="stocks" label="View Company A" selected="true" click="candlestickchart.dataProvider=companyAAC;"/> <mx:RadioButton groupName="stocks" label="View Company B" click="candlestickchart.dataProvider=companyBAC;"/> </mx:HBox> </mx:Panel> </s:Application>
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:12 PM Z