Pakket | com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers |
Klasse | public class CategoryHandler |
Overerving | CategoryHandler EventDispatcher Object |
Implementatie | IAssetHandler |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Eigenschap | Gedefinieerd door | ||
assetActions : IList
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. | CategoryHandler | ||
constructor : Object
Verwijzing naar het klasseobject of de constructorfunctie van een bepaalde objectinstantie. | Object | ||
currentAction : AssetAction
The action that the handler is currently executing. | CategoryHandler | ||
selectedAssets : Array
The array of category value objects currently selected by the user. | CategoryHandler | ||
workingAsset : CategoryModel
The Category Domain Object that the handler is currently working with. | CategoryHandler |
Methode | Gedefinieerd door | ||
Constructor. | CategoryHandler | ||
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registreert een gebeurtenislistenerobject bij een object EventDispatcher, zodat de listener een melding van een gebeurtenis ontvangt. | EventDispatcher | ||
Verzendt een gebeurtenis naar de gebeurtenisstroom. | EventDispatcher | ||
Returns the asset type handled by this handler. | CategoryHandler | ||
This method is invoked by the asset manager framework whenever user requests an action
on an object of type category. | CategoryHandler | ||
Controleert of het object EventDispatcher listeners heeft geregistreerd voor een specifiek type gebeurtenis. | EventDispatcher | ||
Geeft aan of voor een object een opgegeven eigenschap is gedefinieerd. | Object | ||
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves. | CategoryHandler | ||
Geeft aan of een instantie van de klasse Object zich in de prototypeketen van het object bevindt dat als parameter is opgegeven. | Object | ||
Geeft aan of de opgegeven eigenschap bestaat en kan worden opgesomd. | Object | ||
Verwijdert een listener uit het object EventDispatcher. | EventDispatcher | ||
Stelt de beschikbaarheid van een dynamische eigenschap voor lusbewerkingen in. | Object | ||
Geeft de tekenreeksweergave van dit object weer, geformatteerd volgens de locatiespecifieke conventies. | Object | ||
Retourneert een tekenreeksrepresentatie van het opgegeven object. | Object | ||
Retourneert de primitieve waarde van het opgegeven object. | Object | ||
Controleert of een gebeurtenislistener is geregistreerd bij dit object EventDispatcher of een van de voorouders voor het opgegeven type gebeurtenis. | EventDispatcher |
Methode | Gedefinieerd door | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | CategoryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. | CategoryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Edit. | CategoryHandler | ||
handles the default Action(AssetActionEvent.ACTIN_DEFAULT) such as Item double click on search results grid. | CategoryHandler | ||
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type View. | CategoryHandler |
Gebeurtenis | Overzicht | Gedefinieerd door | ||
[uitgezonden gebeurtenis] Wordt verzonden wanneer Flash Player of de AIR-toepassing de besturingssysteemfocus krijgt en actief wordt. | EventDispatcher | |||
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. | CategoryHandler | |||
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. | CategoryHandler | |||
[uitgezonden gebeurtenis] Wordt verzonden wanneer Flash Player of de AIR-toepassing de systeemfocus verliest en inactief wordt. | EventDispatcher | |||
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. | CategoryHandler |
Constante | Gedefinieerd door | ||
ACTION_CREATE : String = "Create" [statisch]
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset. | CategoryHandler | ||
ACTION_DELETE : String = "Delete" [statisch]
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset. | CategoryHandler | ||
ACTION_EDIT : String = "Edit" [statisch]
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset. | CategoryHandler | ||
ACTION_VIEW : String = "View" [statisch]
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset. | CategoryHandler | ||
ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY : String = "ViewDependency" [statisch]
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset. | CategoryHandler | ||
ASSET_TYPE : String = "Category" [statisch]
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler. | CategoryHandler |
assetActions | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The list of AssetAction objects maintained by this handler. This list is used by the asset manager framework to determine which action to enable. The asset manager framework looks for the value of the enabled flag in the AssetAction object to determine the same and handler updates the flags everytime the list of selected assets changes.
Deze eigenschap kan als de bron voor gegevensbinding worden gebruikt. Wanneer deze eigenschap wordt gewijzigd, wordt de gebeurtenis propertyChange
public function get assetActions():IList
public function set assetActions(value:IList):void
currentAction | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The action that the handler is currently executing. This is useful in cases when the editor needs to know the action that the working asset is being acted upon. For instance, the editor might need to disable some of the fields if it is a view action.
Deze eigenschap kan als de bron voor gegevensbinding worden gebruikt. Wanneer deze eigenschap wordt gewijzigd, wordt de gebeurtenis propertyChange
public function get currentAction():AssetAction
public function set currentAction(value:AssetAction):void
selectedAssets | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The array of category value objects currently selected by the user. This is set by the asset manager framework everytime a user selects or deselects an item of type category.
Deze eigenschap kan als de bron voor gegevensbinding worden gebruikt. Wanneer deze eigenschap wordt gewijzigd, wordt de gebeurtenis propertyChange
public function get selectedAssets():Array
public function set selectedAssets(value:Array):void
workingAsset | eigenschap |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
The Category Domain Object that the handler is currently working with. The handler creates this domain object from the shallow value object that it receives from the asset manager framework. The working asset is used by the asset editor to display the asset to the user in a desired presentation format.
Deze eigenschap kan als de bron voor gegevensbinding worden gebruikt. Wanneer deze eigenschap wordt gewijzigd, wordt de gebeurtenis propertyChange
public function get workingAsset():CategoryModel
public function set workingAsset(value:CategoryModel):void
CategoryHandler | () | Constructor |
public function CategoryHandler()
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
createCategory | () | methode |
protected function createCategory():void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. The default implementation creates a new category domain object, assigns it as the working asset and dispatches the launchEditor event so that the framework can display the editor window to the user. This method can be extended to override the creation behavior of this handler. For instance, if creation requires some preprocessing or some checks that need to be made, the same can be done by overriding this method.
deleteCategories | () | methode |
protected function deleteCategories(showWaring:Boolean = true):void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Delete. The default implementation iteratively deletes all the selected category value objects. A confirmation Alert dialog is shown to the user but can be curbed by setting the showWarning flag value to false. Deletion does not require creation of a domain object. Hence, the delete action has no impact on the value of working asset. Moreover, the launchEditor event is never dispatched while handling the delete action.
showWaring:Boolean (default = true ) — Should the warning dialog be shown before deleting the Category.
editCategory | () | methode |
protected function editCategory():void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Edit. The default implementation creates a new category domain object from the selected category value object.
getAssetType | () | methode |
public function getAssetType():String
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the asset type handled by this handler. This is used by the asset manager framework to route actions to appropriate handlers.
Geretourneerde waardeString — the asset type handled by this handler
handleAction | () | methode |
public function handleAction(event:AssetActionEvent):void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
This method is invoked by the asset manager framework whenever user requests an action on an object of type category. This method is called for all the actions requested by the user. The action handling is internally routed to the correcting templatized methods like createLayout(), editLayout() etc.
event:AssetActionEvent — The event object of type AssetActionEvent that is raised by the asset manager framework
handleDefaultAction | () | methode |
protected function handleDefaultAction(event:AssetActionEvent):void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
handles the default Action(AssetActionEvent.ACTIN_DEFAULT) such as Item double click on search results grid. If user has edit permission, then asset is opened in edit mode. otherwise if user has view peermission then asset is opened in view mode.
event:AssetActionEvent — AssetActionEvent containing the action information.
initialize | () | methode |
public function initialize():void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called by the asset manager framework giving the handlers a chance to initialize themselves.
viewCategory | () | methode |
protected function viewCategory():void
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type View. The default implementation creates a new category domain object from the selected category value object, assigns it as the working asset and dispatches the launchEditor event so that the framework can display the editor window to the user. This method can be extended to override the "view" behavior of this handler. For instance, if viewing action requires some preprocessing or some checks that need to be made, the same can be done by overriding this method.
assetActionComplete | Gebeurtenis |
eigenschap AssetActionCompleteEvent.type =
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when an handling of an action is complete. This can be used by the framework or the application to perform any additional activities e.g. display of a toast, alert box etc.
assetActionsChanged | Gebeurtenis |
eigenschap AssetActionsChangeEvent.type =
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 10 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
assetActionsChanged event is thrown by the Handler when the selected item in results viewer change and it updates the correct handler selected assets. It is redispatched by the AssetHandlerRegistry and finally handled by AssetManagerView
launchEditor | Gebeurtenis |
eigenschap AssetActionEvent.type =
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Dispatched when an action handled by this handler requires an editor window to be launched. Create/View/Edit/Copy are the actions that require displaying the editor window to the user.
ACTION_CREATE | Constante |
public static const ACTION_CREATE:String = "Create"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to creation of an asset.
ACTION_DELETE | Constante |
public static const ACTION_DELETE:String = "Delete"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to deletion of an asset.
ACTION_EDIT | Constante |
public static const ACTION_EDIT:String = "Edit"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to editing of an asset.
ACTION_VIEW | Constante |
public static const ACTION_VIEW:String = "View"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to viewing of an asset.
public static const ACTION_VIEW_DEPENDENCY:String = "ViewDependency"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 10.0 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the name of the action related to view dependencies of an asset.
ASSET_TYPE | Constante |
public static const ASSET_TYPE:String = "Category"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Asset Composer Building Block 9.5 |
Runtimeversies: | AIR (unsupported), Flash Player 10.2 |
Constant for the Asset Type handled by this handler.
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:42 AM Z