パッケージ | com.adobe.mosaic.om.interfaces |
インターフェイス | public interface IApplication extends IMosaicNode , IMessageBus , IMetadataAvailable , IContextProvider |
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
interface provides access to the DOM for an application, and provides methods
for adding views, panels, and tiles, as well as querying aspects of the application's environment.
プロパティ | 定義元 | ||
![]() | childrenNodes : Array [読み取り専用]
Returns an array of child nodes (IMosaicNode objects) of the node. | IMosaicNode | |
![]() | context : IContext [読み取り専用]
Returns the context interface for the application. | IContextProvider | |
defaultPanels : Array [読み取り専用]
An array of panels that are defined as defaults for the application. | IApplication | ||
defaultViews : Array [読み取り専用]
An array of views that are defined as defaults for the application. | IApplication | ||
loadedCatalogs : Array [読み取り専用]
Returns an array representing the catalogs loaded by the application. | IApplication | ||
![]() | metadata : IMetadata [読み取り専用]
Returns the metadata if any of the node. | IMetadataAvailable | |
![]() | nodeID : String [読み取り専用]
Returns the ID of the node. | IMosaicNode | |
![]() | nodeLabel : String
Returns the label of the tile. | IMosaicNode | |
![]() | nodeName : String [読み取り専用]
Returns the name of the node. | IMosaicNode | |
![]() | nodeType : String [読み取り専用]
Returns the type value of the node. | IMosaicNode | |
![]() | parentNode : IMosaicNode [読み取り専用]
Returns the direct parent node of the current node within the application. | IMosaicNode | |
session : ISession [読み取り専用]
The current ISession associated with this application. | IApplication | ||
shell : IShell [読み取り専用]
Returns the shell interface for the application. | IApplication | ||
stylesheets : Array [読み取り専用]
Returns an array of URLs representing each stylesheet the application references. | IApplication | ||
![]() | uniqueID : String [読み取り専用]
Returns the generated unique ID of the node. | IMosaicNode | |
url : String [読み取り専用]
The current URL for this application's descriptor. | IApplication | ||
userViews : Array [読み取り専用]
Returns the list of views that a user has saved for this application. | IApplication |
メソッド | 定義元 | ||
Returns the context interface with the given name for the application. | IApplication | ||
![]() |
Adds a listener for a namespace and name combination. | IMessageBus | |
![]() |
Clones an IMosaicNode. | IMosaicNode | |
Creates a new blank panel in the application. | IApplication | ||
Creates a new blank view in the application. | IApplication | ||
Creates a new blank viewManager in the application. | IApplication | ||
Creates a new layout in the application. | IApplication | ||
Deletes a view saved by a user. | IApplication | ||
Locates a particular node in the DOM based on the node's unique identifier. | IApplication | ||
getUserViews(jcrQueryString:String = null, onSuccess:Function = null, onFailure:Function = null):void
Returns the list of views that a user has saved for this application and satisfies the
Content Repository query criteria. | IApplication | ||
Returns a catalog that has been deployed to the Experience Server. | IApplication | ||
Loads a service for an application. | IApplication | ||
![]() |
Removes a listener for a namespace and name combination. | IMessageBus | |
![]() |
Resolves any reference elements that may be in the View, Panel, or Tile. | IMosaicNode | |
searchCatalog(specifier:ICatalogSpecifier, jcrQueryString:String = null, onSuccess:Function = null, onFailure:Function = null):void
Returns a partial catalog that has been deployed to the server which satisfies the Content Repository query string. | IApplication | ||
![]() |
Sends a message to all the tiles in a composite application. | IMessageBus | |
Unloads a catalog from memory cache. | IApplication |
defaultPanels | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
An array of panels that are defined as defaults for the application.
public function get defaultPanels():Array
defaultViews | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
An array of views that are defined as defaults for the application.
public function get defaultViews():Array
loadedCatalogs | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns an array representing the catalogs loaded by the application.
public function get loadedCatalogs():Array
関連する API エレメント
session | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
The current ISession associated with this application.
public function get session():ISession
関連する API エレメント
shell | プロパティ |
stylesheets | プロパティ |
[読み取り専用] 言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns an array of URLs representing each stylesheet the application references.
The stylesheets can be referenced by tiles to allow you to create consistent styling between tiles and the containing applications.
public function get stylesheets():Array
関連する API エレメント
url | プロパティ |
userViews | プロパティ |
acquireContextByName | () | メソッド |
public function acquireContextByName(name:String):IContext
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the context interface with the given name for the application. When a given name does not exist, it is created.
Note: The named application context is seperate the general application context.
name:String — Specifies the name of the context.
IContext — The context for sharing data between tiles in the same application.
関連する API エレメント
createBlankPanel | () | メソッド |
public function createBlankPanel(l:ILayout = null):IPanel
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Creates a new blank panel in the application.
l:ILayout (default = null ) — Specifies the ILayout for the new blank panel.
IPanel — A new panel.
関連する API エレメント
createBlankView | () | メソッド |
public function createBlankView(l:ILayout = null):IView
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Creates a new blank view in the application.
l:ILayout (default = null ) — Specifies the ILayout for the new blank view.
IView — A new view.
関連する API エレメント
createBlankViewManager | () | メソッド |
public function createBlankViewManager(l:ILayout = null):IViewManager
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Creates a new blank viewManager in the application.
l:ILayout (default = null ) — Specifies the ILayout for the new blank viewManager.
IViewManager — A new viewManager.
関連する API エレメント
createLayout | () | メソッド |
public function createLayout(name:String):ILayout
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Creates a new layout in the application.
name:String — Specifies either a short-cut name for a provided layout or a fully-qualified class name.
ILayout — A new layout.
関連する API エレメント
deleteUserView | () | メソッド |
public function deleteUserView(view:IView, onSuccess:Function = null, onFailure:Function = null):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Deletes a view saved by a user. The resulting DeleteViewEvent
indicating success or failure is returned
in the callback function and also dispatched to the MessageListeners.
view:IView — Specifies the user's saved view to remove.
| |
onSuccess:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type DeleteViewEvent when the operation succeeded.
| |
onFailure:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a Function callback that takes in one parameter of type DeleteViewEvent when the operation failed.
findNode | () | メソッド |
public function findNode(id:String):IMosaicNode
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Locates a particular node in the DOM based on the node's unique identifier.
id:String — Specifies the unique ID of the node.
IMosaicNode — The node, or null if a node with the ID cannot be located.
関連する API エレメント
getUserViews | () | メソッド |
public function getUserViews(jcrQueryString:String = null, onSuccess:Function = null, onFailure:Function = null):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns the list of views that a user has saved for this application and satisfies the
Content Repository query criteria. The resulting UserViewsLoadEvent
indicating success or failure is returned
in the callback function and also dispatched to the MessageListeners.
Example - Query to get all the views created before March 3rd: [jcr:created] < cast('+2011-03-03T11:03:03.000Z' as date)
jcrQueryString:String (default = null ) — Specifies the query string in JCR-SQL2 format which will be used to fetch the views.
| |
onSuccess:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type UserViewsLoadEvent when the operation succeeded
| |
onFailure:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type UserViewsLoadEvent when the operation failed
loadCatalog | () | メソッド |
public function loadCatalog(specifier:ICatalogSpecifier, onSuccess:Function = null, onFailure:Function = null):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns a catalog that has been deployed to the Experience Server. When a catalog is deployed to the server, the catalog is loaded into the client memory cache.
This allows you to access tiles, views, etc. from the catalog to add to the application.
specifier:ICatalogSpecifier — Specifies the ICatalogSpecifier for the catalog to retrieve.
| |
onSuccess:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type CatalogLoadEvent when the operation succeeded.
| |
onFailure:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type CatalogLoadEvent when the operation failed.
The onSuccess callback will be called if the loadCatalog call is successful. If the catalog was not already
loaded, the catalog will be loaded into the client cache. The cached copy is returned in the CatalogLoadEvent .
The onFailure callback with occur if the catalog was not available.
関連する API エレメント
This example retrieves a catalog named "sample_catalog":
mosaicApp.addMessageListener(CatalogLoadEvent.NAMESPACE, CatalogLoadEvent.SUCCESS, onCatLoadEvent); mosaicApp.addMessageListener(CatalogLoadEvent.NAMESPACE, CatalogLoadEvent.FAILURE, onCatLoadEvent); mosaicApp.loadCatalog(new CatalogSpecifier("sample_catalog"), onLoadSuccess, onLoadFailure); //functions to manage success or failure callbacks private function onLoadSuccess(evt:CatalogLoadEvent):void {} private function onLoadFailure(evt:CatalogLoadEvent):void {} //functions to manage success or failure events private function onCatLoadEvent(message:Message):void { var catalogLoadEvent:CatalogLoadEvent = message.payload as CatalogLoadEvent; var catalog:ICatalog = catalogLoadEvent.catalog; //custom processing }
loadService | () | メソッド |
public function loadService(service:IService, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | NOT IMPLEMENTED |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
NOT IMPLEMENTED Loads a service for an application. The service will not be injected into any variables until a tile is loaded with a reference to the service.
service:IService — Specifies the IService instance to load.
| |
onSuccess:Function — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type Event when the operation succeeded.
| |
onFailure:Function — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type Event when the operation failed.
関連する API エレメント
searchCatalog | () | メソッド |
public function searchCatalog(specifier:ICatalogSpecifier, jcrQueryString:String = null, onSuccess:Function = null, onFailure:Function = null):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Returns a partial catalog that has been deployed to the server which satisfies the Content Repository query string. The partial catalog contains only assets which matches the query criteria. This catalog is not cached and fetched from the server everytime.
The returned catalog allows users to access catalog assets from the catalog to add to the application if they are present in the catalog.
specifier:ICatalogSpecifier — Specifies the ICatalogSpecifier for the catalog to retrieve.
| |
jcrQueryString:String (default = null ) — Specifies the query string which is in JCR-SQL2 format.
| |
onSuccess:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type SearchCatalogEvent when the operation succeeded.
| |
onFailure:Function (default = null ) — Specifies a function callback that takes in one parameter of type SearchCatalogEvent when the operation failed.
The onSuccess callback will be called if the searchCatalog call is successful. A catalog, containing the assets
that match the jcrQueryString parameter criteria, is returned in the SearchCatalogEvent .
The onFailure callback with occur if the catalog was not available or the jcrQueryString parameter is not valid.
関連する API エレメント
This example searches a catalog named "sample_catalog":
mosaicApp.addMessageListener(SearchCatalogEvent.NAMESPACE, SearchCatalogEvent.SUCCESS, onCatSearchEvent); mosaicApp.addMessageListener(SearchCatalogEvent.NAMESPACE, SearchCatalogEvent.FAILURE, onCatSearchEvent); mosaicApp.searchCatalog(new CatalogSpecifier("sample_catalog"), queryString, onSearchSuccess, onSearchFailure); //functions to manage success or failure callbacks private function onLoadSuccess(evt:SearchCatalogEvent):void {} private function onLoadFailure(evt:SearchCatalogEvent):void {} //functions to manage success or failure events private function onCatSearchEvent(message:Message):void { var searchCatalogEvent:SearchCatalogEvent = message.payload as SearchCatalogEvent; var catalog:ICatalog = searchCatalogEvent.catalog; //custom processing }
unloadCatalog | () | メソッド |
public function unloadCatalog(catalog:ICatalog):void
言語バージョン: | ActionScript 3.0 |
製品バージョン: | Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework 10 |
ランタイムバージョン: | AIR 2.6, Flash Player 10.2 |
Unloads a catalog from memory cache.
This allows you to free memory by unloaded a catalog.
catalog:ICatalog — Specifies the ICatalog to be unloaded.
関連する API エレメント
Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:34 AM Z