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Filtri: Recupero dati dal server...
Recupero dati dal server...

Operation  - AS3 Flex

Classepublic class Operation
EreditarietàOperation Inheritance AbstractOperation Inheritance AbstractOperation Inheritance AbstractInvoker Inheritance EventDispatcher Inheritance Object

Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0
Versione prodotto: Flex 3
Versioni runtime: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An Operation used specifically by an HTTPMultiService. An Operation is an individual operation on a service usually corresponding to a single operation on the server side. An Operation can be called either by invoking the function of the same name on the service or by accessing the Operation as a property on the service and calling the send(param1, param2) method. HTTP services also support a sendBody method which allows you to directly specify the body of the HTTP response. If you use the send(param1, param2) method, the body is typically formed by combining the argumentNames property of the operation with the parameters sent. An Object is created which uses the argumentNames[i] as the key and the corresponding parameter as the value.

The exact way in which the HTTP operation arguments is put into the HTTP body is determined by the serializationFilter used.

Proprietà pubbliche
 ProprietàDefinito da
 InheritedargumentNames : Array
An ordered list of the names of the arguments to pass to a method invocation.
 Inheritedarguments : Object
The arguments to pass to the Operation when it is invoked.
  concurrency : String
[override] Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service operation.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
Un riferimento all'oggetto classe o alla funzione di costruzione per una determinata istanza di oggetto.
  contentType : String
[override] Type of content for service requests.
 Inheritedheaders : Object
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint.
 InheritedlastResult : Object
[sola lettura] The result of the last invocation.
  makeObjectsBindable : Boolean
[override] When this value is true, anonymous objects returned are forced to bindable objects.
  method : String
[override] HTTP method for sending the request.
 Inheritedname : String
The name of this Operation.
 InheritedoperationManager : Function
This property is set usually by framework code which wants to modify the behavior of a service invocation without modifying the way in which the service is called externally.
 Inheritedproperties : Object
This is a hook primarily for framework developers to register additional user specified properties for your operation.
 Inheritedrequest : Object
Object of name-value pairs used as parameters to the URL.
 InheritedrequestTimeout : int
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages.
 InheritedresultElementType : Class
Like resultType, used to define the ActionScript class used by a given operation though this property only applies to operations which return a multi-valued result (e.g.
  resultFormat : String
[override] Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result returned by the HTTP call.
 InheritedresultType : Class
Specifies an optional return type for the operation.
  rootURL : String
[override] The rootURL is used to compute the URL for an HTTP service operation when the a relative URL is specified for the operation.
 InheritedserializationFilter : SerializationFilter
A SerializationFilter can control how the arguments are formatted to form the content of the HTTP request.
 Inheritedservice : AbstractService
[sola lettura] Provides convenient access to the service on which the Operation is being invoked.
  showBusyCursor : Boolean
[override] If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing.
 Inheritedurl : String
Location of the service.
  useProxy : Boolean
[override] Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service.
 InheritedxmlDecode : Function
ActionScript function used to decode a service result from XML.
 InheritedxmlEncode : Function
ActionScript function used to encode a service request as XML.
Metodi pubblici
 MetodoDefinito da
Operation(service:mx.rpc.http:HTTPMultiService = null, name:String = null)
Creates a new Operation.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra un oggetto listener di eventi con un oggetto EventDispatcher, in modo che il listener riceva la notifica di un evento.
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID.
clearResult(fireBindingEvent:Boolean = true):void
Sets the result property of the invoker to null.
Invia un evento nel flusso di eventi.
Verifica se per l'oggetto EventDispatcher sono presenti listener registrati per un tipo specifico di evento.
Indica se per un oggetto è definita una proprietà specifica.
Indica se un'istanza della classe Object si trova nella catena di prototipi dell'oggetto specificato come parametro.
Indica se la proprietà specificata esiste ed è enumerabile.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Rimuove un listener dall'oggetto EventDispatcher.
[override] Executes the http operation.
Imposta la disponibilità di una proprietà dinamica per le operazioni cicliche.
This hook is exposed to update the lastResult property.
Restituisce la rappresentazione in formato stringa di questo oggetto, formattato in base alle convenzioni specifiche per le versioni localizzate.
Restituisce la rappresentazione in formato stringa dell'oggetto specificato.
Restituisce il valore di base dell'oggetto specificato.
Verifica se un listener di eventi è registrato con questo oggetto EventDispatcher o qualsiasi suo antenato per il tipo di evento specificato.
Metodi protetti
 MetodoDefinito da
Returns the HTTP request headers.
Returns the serialization filter.
 Evento Riepilogo Definito da
 Inherited[evento di trasmissione] Inviato quando Flash Player o l'applicazione AIR ottiene lo stato di attivazione del sistema operativo ed entra nello stato attivo.EventDispatcher
 Inherited[evento di trasmissione] Inviato quando Flash Player o l'applicazione AIR perde l'attivazione del sistema operativo e sta entrando nello stato inattivo.EventDispatcher
 InheritedDispatched when an Operation call fails.AbstractOperation
 InheritedDispatched when an Operation invocation successfully returns.AbstractOperation
Descrizione delle proprietà



Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0
Versione prodotto: Flex 3
Versioni runtime: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service operation. The default value is multiple. The following values are permitted:

  • multiple Existing requests are not cancelled, and the developer is responsible for ensuring the consistency of returned data by carefully managing the event stream. This is the default value.
  • single Only a single request at a time is allowed on the operation; multiple requests generate a fault.
  • last Making a request cancels any existing request.

    override public function get concurrency():String
    override public function set concurrency(value:String):void



Type of content for service requests. The default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded which sends requests like a normal HTTP POST with name-value pairs. application/xml send requests as XML.

    override public function get contentType():String
    override public function set contentType(value:String):void



Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0
Versione prodotto: Flex 3
Versioni runtime: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

When this value is true, anonymous objects returned are forced to bindable objects.

    override public function get makeObjectsBindable():Boolean
    override public function set makeObjectsBindable(value:Boolean):void



HTTP method for sending the request. Permitted values are GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, TRACE and DELETE. Lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters. The default value is GET.

    override public function get method():String
    override public function set method(value:String):void



Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result returned by the HTTP call. The value for this is based on the following:

  • Whether you are returning XML or name/value pairs.
  • How you want to access the results; you can access results as an object, text, or XML.

The default value is object. The following values are permitted:

  • object The value returned is XML and is parsed as a tree of ActionScript objects. This is the default.
  • array The value returned is XML and is parsed as a tree of ActionScript objects however if the top level object is not an Array, a new Array is created and the result set as the first item. If makeObjectsBindable is true then the Array will be wrapped in an ArrayCollection.
  • xml The value returned is XML and is returned as literal XML in an ActionScript XMLnode object.
  • flashvars The value returned is text containing name=value pairs separated by ampersands, which is parsed into an ActionScript object.
  • text The value returned is text, and is left raw.
  • e4x The value returned is XML and is returned as literal XML in an ActionScript XML object, which can be accessed using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) expressions.

    override public function get resultFormat():String
    override public function set resultFormat(value:String):void



Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0
Versione prodotto: Flex 3
Versioni runtime: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The rootURL is used to compute the URL for an HTTP service operation when the a relative URL is specified for the operation. The directory name of the rootURL is prepended to any relative URLs for the operation. It is typically more convenient to set the baseURL since baseURL specifies the directory name directly whereas rootURL specifies the name of a file whose directory name is prepended. If neither rootURL nor baseURL are set explicitly, the directory name of the .swf file is prepended to relative paths.

    override public function get rootURL():String
    override public function set rootURL(value:String):void



If true, a busy cursor is displayed while a service is executing. The default value is false.

    override public function get showBusyCursor():Boolean
    override public function set showBusyCursor(value:Boolean):void



Specifies whether to use the Flex proxy service. The default value is false. If you do not specify true to proxy requests though the Flex server, you must ensure that the player can reach the target URL. You also cannot use destinations defined in the services-config.xml file if the useProxy property is set to false.

    override public function get useProxy():Boolean
    override public function set useProxy(value:Boolean):void
Descrizione della funzione di costruzione


()Funzione di costruzione
public function Operation(service:mx.rpc.http:HTTPMultiService = null, name:String = null)

Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0
Versione prodotto: Flex 3 Creates a new Operation.
Versioni runtime: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Creates a new Operation.

service:mx.rpc.http:HTTPMultiService (default = null) — The HTTPMultiService object defining the service.
name:String (default = null) — The name of the service.
Descrizione dei metodi


override public function send(... args):mx.rpc:AsyncToken

Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0
Versione prodotto: Flex 3
Versioni runtime: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Executes the http operation. Any arguments passed in are passed along as part of the operation call. If there are no arguments passed, the arguments property of class is used as the source of parameters. HTTP operations commonly take named parameters, not positional parameters. To supply the names for these parameters, you can also set the argumentNames property to an array of the property names.


... args — Optional arguments passed in as part of the method call. If there are no arguments passed, the arguments object is used as the source of parameters.

mx.rpc:AsyncToken — AsyncToken Call using the asynchronous completion token pattern. The same object is available in the result and fault events from the token property.

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