Le package lc.procmgmt.domain contient les classes qui renferment les concepts de gestion des processus, également connus sous le nom « domaine professionnel ».
Les classes de ce package sont utiles aux applications créées à l’aide de Flex nécessitant un accès au serveur de documents et aux données d’Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workspace
Les opérations invoquées peuvent entraîner d’autres opérations sur le serveur de documents.
| Interface | Description |
| ICommand |
The ICommand interface defines a common interface for self-contained commands. |
| Classe | Description |
| Assignment |
The Assignment class describes the assignment of a task
and carries information that determines the queue that contains the task. |
| AttachmentInfo |
The AttachmentInfo class provides support for managing attachments
and notes with tasks. |
| AttachmentPermissions |
The AttachmentPermissions class stores the read/write/delete permissions
for an attachment or note. |
| Category |
The Category class manages all category information. |
| DocumentReference |
The DocumentReference class provides
a reference to a document, which exists on the server. |
| DraftQueue |
The DraftQueue object creates a Queue object, which
represents draft items belonging to a user. |
| FavoriteCategory |
The FavoriteCategory class represents a special category that contains
the list of processes a user commonly initiates. |
| InitialQueue |
The InitialQueue class represents the initial queue on the Document Server. |
| Process |
The Process class represents a process running on the Document Server. |
| ProcessInstance |
The ProcessInstance class represents a process instance on the Document Server. |
| ProcessVariable |
The ProcessVariable class represents the information stored as part of
a process variable and is used for retrieving the information for
a process variable. |
| Queue |
The Queue class is used for specifying the unique identifier
and the filter for a given queue. |
| QueueBase |
The QueueBase class manages a collection of
Task objects. |
| QueuesManager |
The QueuesManager class manages the draft queue,
default queue, and group queue. |
| ReaderSubmit |
The ReaderSubmit class specifies properties
to indicate whether the PDF is to be submitted using Adobe Reader 9.1 or later, or
Adobe Acrobat. |
| SearchFilter |
The SearchFilter class is used for specifying filtering conditions and retrieving
search results. |
| SearchFilterAttribute |
The SearchFilterAttribute class specifies properties
for a search filter. |
| SearchFilterCondition |
The SearchFilterCondition class is used for creating search filters conditions. |
| SearchFilterSort |
The SearchFilterSort class is used for sorting search filters. |
| SearchTemplate |
The SearchTemplate class provides support for working with search templates. |
| SearchTemplateDescriptor |
The SearchTemplateDescriptor class is used for working
with the search template descriptor. |
| SearchTemplateDescriptors |
The SearchTemplateDescriptors class is used for working with multiple
search template descriptors. |
| Startpoint |
The Startpoint class represents a TaskManager startpoint on the Document Server. |
| Task |
The Task class represents a task on the Document Server. |
| TaskACL |
The TaskACL class describes the permissions that control
various operations on a task. |
| TaskAttachmentInfo |
The TaskAttachmentInfo class is used to handle attachments associated with tasks. |
| TaskItemResult |
The TaskItemResult class passes item data from the Document Server when the
item is rendered or submitted. |
| TemporaryQueue |
The TemporaryQueue class creates a Queue object
of a specified type, with an isDefault property set to false. |
| UserActionProperty |
The UserActionProperty class specifies properties
of the user actions defined in the single or multi user service. |
| WorkspaceSession |
The WorkspaceSession class provides convenient access to
SessionMap object entries that are specific to Workspace. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 09:46 AM Z