Le package com.adobe.solutions.rca.presentation.event inclut les événements distribués par les composants visuels du bloc de création RCA (Review, Commenting & Approval).
| Classe | Description |
| GanttActionEvent |
This event is dispatched when an option is clicked, in the context menu of an item, in the Gantt chart. |
| GanttEvent |
This Gantt event is generated when an item in the Gantt chart is clicked, double-clicked, or the range mode of the Gantt chart is modified. |
| ProcessComponentEvent |
This event is dispatched by ProcessComponent when a process is selected or a selection is cancelled. |
| RCAErrorEvent |
RCA error event. |
| ScaleChangedEvent |
This event is dispatched when the scale of the Gantt chart is changed. |
| SchedulesStateEvent |
This is a simple event to trigger state change in the Schedules component. |
| StageEvent |
This event is dispatched when an operation is performed on a stage. |
| StageParticipantEvent |
This event is dispatched when a stage participant is added. |
| TemplateEvent |
This event is dispatched when an operation on a template is performed. |
| UserSelectedEvent |
This event is dispatched when a user is selected from the search result grid. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 09:46 AM Z