You can work
with and learn about an asset by opening it in Detail view. In Detail
view, you see information about the asset such as its size and metadata.
You can page from asset to asset in the same
folder in Detail view. Select the Previous Assets or Next Asset
Open an asset in Detail view
To closely examine, preview, or work on an asset, you can
display it in Detail view.
In the Browse Panel, do one of the following:
Double-click the asset.
Select the asset and then select the Detail View button
Select the asset, and choose File > Details.
Working with assets in Detail view
Detail view offers tools for working with the asset you
opened. Users with contributor-user and contributor status can to
these tasks in Detail view:
Renaming the asset
Select the name and then enter a new name.
Editing and adding metadata
Change the metadata. See
Adding and exporting metadata
Deleting the asset
Choose File > Delete.