Working with assets in the Browse panel

The top of the Browse Panel offers menus and buttons for selecting, uploading, and exporting assets, as well as adding assets to the Media Cart. By clicking the File button, you can rename, move, or delete assets. The View buttons at the top of the Browse panel are for changing views of the assets you are working with.

Important: Only users with contributor-user and contributor status can rename, move, and delete assets.

Select assets

Select an asset to work with it.

In the Browse Panel, do any of the following:
  • To select a single asset, click it.

  • To select multiple assets, Shift-click to select adjacent assets, or Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac) noncontiguous assets.

  • To select all assets, click Select All.

  • To deselect all assets, click Select None.

View assets

Use the View buttons on the right side of the Browse Panel to change the view of assets:

Grid View
Shows thumbnail-sized images of files. For each thumbnail, Media Portal lists its name, and file type. You can choose how many thumbnails are displayed by dragging the Select Thumbnail Size slider (located to the left of the View buttons). Use the scroll bars to go from page to page.

List View
Presents files in a directory format under different column headings, including Type and Date Created.

Detail View button
Presents detailed information about an asset, including metadata. You can also switch to Detail view by double-clicking the name of a file in Grid view or List view. To page from asset to asset in Detail view, click the Previous Asset or Next Asset button . These buttons are located in the upper-right corner of the Browse Panel.

Sort assets

In Grid View or List View, click Sort (at the top of the Browse Panel), and choose Name, Size, Type, Date Created, or Last Modified. Additionally, choose Ascending or Descending to sort in ascending or descending order.

In List View, you can additionally sort items in ascending or descending order. Select a column heading to sort assets by column. Select the column a second time to re-sort assets in ascending or descending order.

Rename, move, and delete assets (contributors and contributor-users only)

Select one or more assets and do any of the following:

Click the name and enter a different name. You can also choose File > Rename, enter a new name, and press Enter.

Drag the assets to a different location. You can also choose File >Move, select a folder in the Move Assets dialog box, and click Move.

Select the assets and press Delete. You can also choose File >Delete.

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