Managing assets

Media Portal offers the Asset Library for managing assets. The Asset Library holds the folders where you store your asset files. Selecting a folder in the Asset Library displays the contents of the folder in the Browse Panel. You can view items in the Browse Panel in Grid, List, or Detail view. When you want to focus on a single asset, double-click it in the Browse Panel to display it in Detail view.

The Browse Panel offers tools for viewing, selecting, locating, previewing, moving, renaming, and deleting assets. Assets that you delete are placed in the Trash folder; you can recover assets from this folder.

When you want to examine or work with an asset, open it in Detail view. You can record metadata in Detail view to make locating and working with an asset easier.

Note: Only users with contributor-user and contributor status can move, rename, and delete assets, or add and edit metadata. Moreover, for each folder and file, your administrator determines whether you have permission to move, rename, or delete. If you are unable to do these tasks, consult your administrator.

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