WebHelp layout


About WebHelp

WebHelp is an uncompiled output type that ensures that users can view web-based or desktop appli­cation Help in any browser and platform. It supports standard Help features and provides custom­izing capabilities.

You can author content in another HTML editor, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, and still take advan­tage of the WebHelp navigational and organizational Help features.

For older browsers that don’t support DHTML (used to display the navigation pane), WebHelp displays the navigation pane using another supported format.

Differences between WebHelp and Microsoft HTML Help


Microsoft HTML Help

Supported by a web browser

Relies on Microsoft HTML Help engine for support

Uncompiled set of output files

Compiled and compressed (CHM file)

Runs on any platform

Requires 32-bit Windows platforms

Ideally suited for server-based distribution

Workarounds required for server-based distribution

Mac OS limitations for WebHelp

Mac OS filenames have a 32-character limit.

Output is displayed as HTML lists instead of DHTML.

BMP image files don’t appear properly.

Add or remove search highlights in WebHelp

In a WebHelp system, search results are highlighted by default in the displayed topics. You can set the highlight color according to your preferences.

note:   WebHelp, WebHelp Pro, FlashHelp, and FlashHelp Pro projects use the same procedure to enable Search highlight.

1)Double-click the WebHelp layout.

2)Click Navigation.

3)Select or deselect Enable Highlight Search Result.

4)When search result highlighting is enabled, click the color picker box and select a highlight color of your choice from the pop-up menu.

Creating Section 508-compliant WebHelp

Section 508-compliant output facilitates Help access for users with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments.

Text-to-speech utilities read the contents of the active window, available options, or text you type. These utilities and screen review aids translate onscreen text to speech or to a dynamic, refreshable, Braille display. This technology can provide keyboard assistance or shortcuts, captions for speech and sound, and visual warnings such as flashing toolbars.

Consider the following when you create Section 508-compliant WebHelp:

WebHelp systems generated with the Section 508 option open in all supported browsers. However, view output with Internet Explorer to ensure compliance.

For master projects generated using pure HTML or Section 508-compliant WebHelp, the subprojects are available only from the TOC if you merge WebHelp systems. They are not available from the index or full-text search. Subprojects appear as a book in the TOC. When users click the subproject TOC book, the subproject opens in a new browser window.

WebHelp features that support Section 508 compliance

A Section 508 Compliant option that provides alternative text for images, dynamic elements, frames, forms, and so on. Visually impaired users using assistive software can hear where they are in the output and what they are selecting.

Alternative text is provided for images of TOC books, pages, and the plus/minus icons, TOC/Search/Index tabs or panes, navigation buttons, and buttons from design-time controls.

Other elements with alternative text include expanding and drop-down text, triggers and targets, and pop-up menus.

Navigation frames that assistive software can read.

Generation of HTML tables so that assistive software can identify row and column headers.

Online forms that assistive software can read.

Output that more than one mode of operation and information retrieval can use. For example, mobility-impaired users can use the keyboard or mouse. No features require auditory, visual, or mobility ability alone.

Guidelines to ensure Section 508 compliance in Help systems

WebHelp is compliant for framesets and navigation. Make sure that other elements in topics are compliant.

If the Help system contains form buttons or multimedia elements, such as images and audio, provide visual equivalents, such as screen tips so that assistive software can read from the screen.

Construct information with multiple methods of access to accommodate disabilities. Offer information in color in an alternative way that doesn’t use color.

Use basic external style sheets so that documents are readable if the style sheet is unavailable.

If a web page uses applets, include a link to the location where users can download the appro­priate reader.

Document keyboard shortcuts and other methods of accessibility.

Do not use HTML Help controls.

Generating, Viewing and Publishing WebHelp Output

To generate WebHelp output, first read about setting the various parameters for generating WebHelp output in Generate WebHelp output.

Learn about generating the WebHelp output in Output generation basics.

To know how to view WebHelp output, read View WebHelp, FlashHelp, WebHelp Pro, and FlashHelp Pro output.

To learn about the various delivery formats for WebHelp output, read Publish output

September 30, 2016

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