Generate WebHelp output

1)In the Single Source Layouts pod, double-click the WebHelp layout.

note:    If you are not working on a new project, you might find that the default WebHelp layout has been renamed or deleted. Double-click any layout to check its type in the title bar of the layout settings dialog box. You can also add a new layout of a required type by using the Create Layout icon in the Single Source Layouts pod.

2)In the General tab of the WebHelp Settings dialog box, set the following options:

Title Bar

Specify the title you want to display in the title bar.


Specify an icon to associate with the Help system. The icon appears in the browser tab.

Output Folder And Start Page

Specifies a location and start page for the Help files. To choose a location for the output folder, click the browse button browsebut.png. To select a start page other than the default for the Help project, enter it using the .htm extension. The start page is a frameset for Help content to which file developers link when calling the Help system from an application.

Use Lowercase File Names

Create filenames that use only lowercase letters. This option is recommended for UNIX users. note:    Don’t select this option for merged projects. Links to topics in other projects will convert to lowercase, whereas the topic filenames will remain the same. The mixed cases create broken links on UNIX.

3)In the Content Categories tab, create content categories to publish the output as a package of user-centric Help systems (for example, a package of Help systems for different user roles, geographies, products, or platforms).

End users view the output as an integrated package of Help systems and have the flexibility to select the Help system they want to access from a drop-down list. Each Help system has its own TOC, browse sequences, index, and search.

To create a content category, click New and specify a name.

To rename a content category, select the category. Click Rename and specify another name.

To delete a content category, select the category and click Delete. Click Yes to confirm.

To change the order of the content categories in the drop-down list from which users select, use Up or Down keys.

To specify a content category as the default category, click Set As Default.

4)In the Content tab, set the following options for each content category:

Content Title

Specify a title for the content category. The title appears in a drop-down list and helps users to navigate to a content category.

note:    If you’ve not created content categories, skip this field. RoboHelp uses the title you specified in Help Settings in the General tab.

Table Of Contents

Select the TOC to be displayed in the generated Help. See TOCs.


Select the index to be displayed in the generated Help. See Indexes.


Select the glossary to be displayed in the generated Help. See Glossaries.

Variable Set

Select a variable set to override the default variable set in the generated Help. See User-defined variables.

Default Topic

The topic that appears when Help opens. By default, the first topic in the table of contents is the default topic.


Specify the output language for the layout if the language is different from the language of the project. RoboHelp uses this language setting for the UI strings and language-related UI elements in the preview and generated output.


Specify the character encoding format.

Map Files

Specify the map files that contain topic IDs associated with map IDs to provide context-sensi­tive Help.

Browse Sequences

Select the browse sequences to display.

Conditional Build Expression

If you have conditional tags in the project, click Define to specify conditional build expres­sions. See Conditional build tag expressions.

Apply To All Topics

Select this option to apply master pages or CSS at the project level:

Master Page

The selected master page overrides the settings of all the individual topics with or without a master page applied to them in the project. The CSS and layout of the master page override the CSS and appearance of all the topics. If the selected master page does not have a header or footer, no topic displays a header or footer irrespective of if it had one header or footer defined.


The master pages associated with individual topics become effective. The selected CSS over­rides all the topics and their CSS irrespective of whether they are associated with a master page or not.

See Applying a master page or CSS at the time of generation.

Exclude Unreferenced Topics From Output

Select this option to exclude any topic that exists in the project but is not the default topic in the layout or is not referenced from the selected TOC, index, or browse sequence, or any refer­enced topic.

note:    RoboHelp displays the unreferenced topics that are excluded from the output in the Output View pod.

Exclude Unreferenced Baggage Files From Search

Select this option to exclude any topic that exists in the project but is not referenced from the selected TOC or any referenced topic (if Exclude Unreferenced Topics From Output is selected). If Exclude Unreferenced Topics From Output is deselected, RoboHelp excludes baggage files that are unreferenced from any topic in the project.

5)In the Navigation tab, set the following options:

Skin Selection

(Optional) Browse to a skin in the project, or click Gallery to select one from the Skins Gallery. Apply skins to customize the colors, buttons, text, fonts, and icons in the output.

note:   The Skin option is disabled if you select the Section 508 Compliant Output option. Use the Traditional Style - No Skin option.

In-Topic Navigation

This option is enabled if you have selected the Traditional Style - No Skin option. Click Edit to access options to include or exclude Show/Hide buttons for the Navigation pane and to include or exclude browse sequences in topics.

W3C Compliant Topics

For W3C-compliant topics, this option passes the topics through an HTML validator.

Add Mark Of The Web

Mark of the Web is a comment in the HTML markup for a web page. Internet Explorer 6 and later reference this comment to determine the security zone for the page on the user’s computer. Select this option to avoid having Internet Explorer block the output.

note:    Before merging projects, ensure that the Mark Of The Web option is either selected or deselected for all of the projects.

Section 508 Compliant Output

Select to deliver Section 508-compliant WebHelp. Output cannot include skins or other features such as DHTML.

Optimize Speed For

Select the option by which most users access Help. XML formats reduce load times by down­loading only the data immediately needed. For example, the Contents pane fills quickly by initially downloading only enough data to fill the pane. The rest is downloaded in time for the user to move down the list.

Web Site (Internet)      Select if access is from a website. Assumes slower connections, uses data in smaller pieces, and requires more WebHelp files.

Local PC or Intranet (Internal Network)      Select if access is from an intranet or a local computer. Assumes faster connection, uses data in larger pieces, and requires fewer WebHelp files.

Preferred Format

Specify how WebHelp handles Dynamic HTML (DHTML) and how end users access Help. The option you choose depends on user environment, such as the types of browsers and fire­walls used.


Uses Dynamic HTML when supported, pure HTML otherwise. If users have firewalls that block Java applets, select DHTML > Pure HTML, which eliminates Java applets from Help.


Displays Help using list-based, pure HTML in all browsers. However, Pure HTML reduces navigation functions.

Toolbar Buttons

Select navigation toolbar buttons to appear in the left pane.

Synchronize Table Of Contents

Synchronize the TOC with the topic in the right pane so that users see where they are in the structure.

To synchronize the TOC automatically, click the pop-up menu and select Automatically.

To add a button that users can click to synchronize the TOC, click the pop-up menu and select Manually.note:    If you use custom skins, provide a button icon in the WebHelp Skin Editor.

Add Breadcrumbs Links

Select to add breadcrumbs in the topic pages.


Click to change the format of breadcrumbs.

Enable Browse Sequence

Specify whether the output should display browse sequences.

Show Navigation Pane Link In Topics

Select to include a link to the navigation pane in topics that are opened through the context-sensitive Help calls.

Show Merged TOC In Child Project

Select to view the merged TOC in the child project.

Search Input Field In Toolbar

Include a search field in the main toolbar.

Add About Box

Set up information that appears in a dynamic window when users click the image in the main toolbar.

Example of About box


6)In the Search tab, set the following options:

Enable Substring Search

If you enable this feature, a search for "log" returns topics containing the words "catalog" and "logarithm." Substring search takes longer than whole-string search.

Enable Highlighting In Search Results

Select to enable highlighting of search results. From the pop-up menu, select a color for the highlight.

Enable External Content Search

Select to display content from identified URLs outside the Help system. For information about how to specify URLs and associate them with search terms, see External content search.

Show Context In Search Results

Select to have the search results displayed along with the first few lines of the topic.

Hide Rank Column In Search Results

Select to not display the Rank column in search results.

Show Total Number Of Search Results

Select to show the number of search results for a specific search string.

Allow AND Search In Output

Select to display only those topics that have all the words that are specified without using quotation marks in the Search box. By default, RoboHelp performs OR search when a user types multiple words without enclosing them in quotation marks. This means that RoboHelp finds all topics that have any of the words specified in the Search box.

note:    AND search can be used in combination with phrase search.

Select the Enable AND Search By Default option if required. If you allow AND search disable it by default, end users have the option to enable it in the output.

note:    In merged projects, child projects inherit the setting of the parent project. In projects with DUCC (content categories), the setting applies to all content categories.

Exclude Baggage Files Types From Search

Select the types of baggage files to exclude from search.

7)In the Publish tab, set the following options, and then click Save And Generate.


Specify a server location for the output. To publish to a SharePoint site, click New and select SharePoint. Enter the UNC path of the folder on the SharePoint site (If the folder is mapped as a network drive, click Browse to select the drive).


Specify how to handle changes to files in the output:

Check For Deleted Files

If selected, RoboHelp HTML checks for files that have been deleted from the destination loca­tion and republishes them.

Prompt Before Overwriting Files

If selected, RoboHelp prompts you before overwriting files.

Republish All

Select to republish all files to the destination target. For master projects with a copy of the subproject in the subfolder, do not select Republish All. You then avoid overwriting output files already published to the same location.

note:    If you change the destination to a new host, specify the user ID and password and save the password in the registry, if necessary.

September 30, 2016

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