Click Manage UI Settings and set the following preferences:
Start Location: Specifies the page that appears when
you log in to Workspace.
Logout Prompt: Specifies whether you will be prompted
to confirm that you want to log out after you click Log Out.
Message Notification View Time: Specifies the length
of time in seconds that message notifications appear before they
begin to fade. If you select “Notification Off”, messages notifications
do not appear but the messages are still added to the message list.
Date Format: Specifies the date display format.
Time Format: Specifies the time display format.
View Default: Specifies whether the tasks on the Start
Process and To Do tabs are displayed as cards or as a list.
Notify Task Events via Email: Specifies whether you
receive email notifications for task events, including task assignments,
reminders, and deadlines for tasks in your To Do list and in group
To Do lists that you belong to.
Attach Forms in Email: Specifies whether a copy of
the form is attached to email notification messages. Attachments
are supported only for PDF and XDP forms.