Task Priority

A complex data type that represents the priority of a task. These variables are used to configure the Task Priority property of Assign Task operation and Assign Multiple Tasks operation operations that the User service provides.

You can create a Task Priority variable and use it as the value of the Task Priority property of Assign Task and Assign Multiple Tasks operations. The operations use this property to prioritize the task in Workspace To Do lists. (See Specifying task priority.)

Create a Task Priority variable only if you intend to use the value multiple times in the process. Otherwise, configure the Task Priority property manually.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

Task Priority values contain the following data item.


A short value that indicates the priority for the task. These values are valid:

Highest priority

High priority

Normal priority

Low priority

Lowest priority

Datatype specific settings

Properties for configuring variable default values. You configure these properties in the same way that you configure the Priority properties of Assign Task operations. (See Task Routes and Priority.)

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