Task Delegate and Consult

A complex data type that holds delegate and consult information for tasks. These variables are used to configure Assign Task operation and Assign Multiple Tasks operation operations that the User service provides.

You can create a Task Delegate and Consult variable and use it as the value of the Forward and Consult property of Assign Task and Assign Multiple Tasks operations. This property determines whether tasks can be forwarded or consulted with other users. It also specifies the user group that can be forwarded to or consulted with. For more information see Configuring task delegations and consultations.

Create a Task Delegate and Consult variable only if you intend to use the value multiple times in the process. Otherwise, configure the Forward and Consult property manually.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.

Data items

Task Delegate and Consult values contain the following data items.


A boolean value that indicates whether the consult option should be restricted to a specific group of users. If true, the task can only be consulted with a member of a specified group.


Do not use. This value is used by LiveCycle Server.


A boolean value that indicates whether the forward option should be restricted to a specific group of users. If true, the task can only be forwarded to a member of a specified group.


Do not use. This value is used by LiveCycle Server.


A Task User Selection value that identifies the users that can be consulted with for the task.


A Task User Selection value that identifies the users that the task can be forwarded to.

Datatype specific settings

Use these properties to configure the default value of Task Delegate and Consultvariables. You configure these properties in the same way that you configure the Forward And Consult property of Assign Task and Assign Multiple Tasks operations. (See Reassignment Restrictions properties.)

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