complex data type that represents a user group that a task can be
forwarded to or consulted with. Task Delegate and Result data types
include Task User Selections as a subtype. (See Task Delegate and Consult.)
Create a Task User Selection variable, configure the default
properties, and use the Set Value service to add the value to Task
Delegate and Consult values. Task Delegate and Consult values include
the entire data model of Task User Selection data types. However,
Task Delegate and Consult values use only the data items that relate
to user groups.

Create a Task User Selection variable only if
you intend to use the value multiple times in the process. Otherwise,
configure the Task Delegate and Consult variable manually.
For example, a process includes a Task User Selection variable
named taskUSVar and default values have been configured for the
properties. You use XPath expressions with the Set Value service
to add the value to a Task Delegate and Consult value named taskDGVar.
The same user group is used to consult and forward tasks:
/process_data/taskDGVar/object/forwardNfo = /process_data/taskUSVar
/process_data/taskDGVar/object/consultNfo = /process_data/taskUSVar
For information about configuring the default values of Task Data variables, see Datatype specific settings. For information about the data items that
Task Date values include, see Data items.
For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions,
see Data items.
For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings.