File Utilities

Enables processes to interact with the file system of the LiveCycle Server or other file system that the server can access. Processes can use this service to perform the following tasks:

  • Save data as files on the file system

  • Retrieve information from files and save it as process data

  • Manipulate directories and files on the file system

If you specify local paths to files or directories for any operation properties, the paths are interpreted as being on the file system of the LiveCycle Server.

Note: The user account that is used to run the LiveCycle Server must have the required permissions to interact with the files and file locations that the service’s operations target.

Most file operations are system-dependent and invoke operating system libraries. The behavior of the service operations can depend on the operating system that the LiveCycle Server runs on. Also, all file and directory paths are system-dependent.

For information about using the File Utilities service, see .

For some of the operations listed, you must specify file or folder paths as input or output parameters. Use absolute file or folder paths where required.

  • Examples of absolute file paths are:

    • Windows: C:\Output\Sample-xslt.html

    • UNIX: /usr/yourUserName/Output/Sample-xslt.html

  • Examples of absolute folder paths are:

    • Windows: C:\Output\

  • UNIX: /usr/yourUserName/Output/

Note: In UNIX, when you specify the absolute file or folder path, ensure that you use the forward slash ('/'), and not the backward slash ('\').

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