section describes the methods that the patExecContext object
getProcessIdGets the identifier of the process instance that is currently
being executed.
ReturnsA long value that contains
the process identifier.
getBranchIdGets the identifier of the branch instance that is currently
being executed.
ReturnsA long value that contains
the branch identifier.
getActionIdGets the identifier of the operation instance that is currently
being executed.
ReturnsA long value that contains
the operation instance identifier.
getExecuteTemplateGets the action to be executed and casts it to an ExecuteTemplate.
Syntaxpublic ExecuteTemplate getExecuteTemplate()
getActionTemplateGets the action to be executed.
Syntaxpublic ActionTemplate getActionTemplate()
this be a link?]
getProcessDataBooleanValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a boolean value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the boolean value in the process
data model.
ReturnsA boolean value coerced from
the specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataShortValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a short value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the short value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA short value coerced from
the specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataIntValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
an int value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the int value in the
process data model.
ReturnsAn int value coerced from the
specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataLongValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a long value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the long value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA long value coerced from the
specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataDoubleValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a double value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the double value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA double value coerced from
the specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataFloatValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a float value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the float value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA float value coerced from
the specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataStringValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a String value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the string value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA string value coerced from
the specified expression that represents a process data path.
getProcessDataDocumentValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
a Document value.
You can also use the getProcessDataValue method
to return an object and then determine if the object is of type com.adobe.idp.Document.SyntaxgetProcessDataDocumentValue(aPath)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the string value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA document value coerced from
the specified process data path expression. If no Document object
is found, an empty Document object is returned.
getProcessDataListValueGets the process data list value from
the specified path as a java.util.List value.
You can also use the getProcessDataValue method
to return an object and then determine if the object is of type java.util.List.SyntaxgetProcessDataListValue(aPath)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the list value in
the process data model.
ReturnsA java.util.List value
coerced from the specified process data path expression. If no List object
is found, an empty List object is returned.
getProcessDataMapValueGets the process data map value from the
specified path as a java.util.Map value.
You can also use the getProcessDataValue method to return an object and then determine if the object is of type java.util.Map.SyntaxgetProcessDataMapValue(aPath)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to the map value in the
process data model.
ReturnsA java.util.Map value
coerced from the specified process data path expression. If no Map object
is found, an empty Map object is returned.
getProcessDataValueGets the process data value from the specified path as
an Object value.
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a value in the process data model.
ReturnsAn object value coerced from
the specified process data path expression.
setProcessDataBooleanValueSets a boolean value in the process
data model.
SyntaxsetProcessDataBooleanValue( aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a string value that contains the XPath expression
that evaluates to a location in the process data model in which
to store the value.
aVal is a boolean value
of True or False.
setProcessDataShortValueSets a short value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataShortValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a short value.
setProcessDataIntValueSets an int value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataIntValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is an int value.
setProcessDataLongValueSets a long value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataLongValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a long value.
setProcessDataDoubleValueSets a double value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataDoubleValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a double value.
setProcessDataListValueSets a list value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataListValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a list value.
appendToProcessDataListValueAppends the items in a List value to a
process variable of type list.
SyntaxappendToProcessDataListValue(variableName, aVal)
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String that contains the name of the list variable
to append to.
aVal is a List value.
The items in aVal are appended to the list that variableName represents.
setProcessDataListValueSet the value of an item at a given position in a list variable.
SyntaxsetProcessDataListValue(variableName, position, value)
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String that contains the name of the list variable.
position is
an int value that contains the position in the list variable
that is being set.
value is a java.lang.Object value
to set in the list variable.
removeProcessDataListValueRemoves the object from a given position in a list variable.
SyntaxremoveProcessDataListValue(variableName, position)
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String value that contains the name
of the list variable.
position is
an int value that contains the position in the list variable
that is being removed.
setProcessDataMapValueSet a map value in the process data model.
SyntaxsetProcessDataMapValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a map value.
appendProcessDataMapValueAppends the item in a Map object to a process variable
of type map.
SyntaxappendProcessDataMapValue(variableName, Map aVal)
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String value that contains the name
of the map variable.
aVal is
a Map value to append.
setProcessDataMapValueSets the value in a process data variable of type map for
the specified key.
SyntaxsetProcessDataMapValue(variableName, key, value)
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String value that contains the name
of the map variable.
key is
a java.lang.String value that contains the key in
the map that is being set.
value is
a java.lang.Object value to set for the key in
the map.
removeProcessDataMapValueRemoves the object for a given key value
from the variable of type map.
SyntaxremoveProcessDataMapValue(variableName, key)
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String value that contains the name
of the map variable.
key is
a java.lang.String value that contains the key in
the map for the value that is being removed.
setProcessDataFloatValueSets a float value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataFloatValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a float value.
setProcessDataStringValueSets a String value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataStringValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a String value.
setProcessDataDocumentValueSets a com.adobe.idp.Document object in
the process data model.
SyntaxsetProcessDataDocumentValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is a com.adobe.idp.Document object.
setProcessDataValueSets an Object value in the process data
SyntaxsetProcessDataValue(aPath, aVal)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aVal is an Objectvalue.
setProcessDataWithExpressionSets the value of a location in the process data model
using the value that an XPath expression evaluates to.
SyntaxsetProcessDataWithExpression(aPath, aExpression)
ParametersaPath is
a java.lang.String value that contains the XPath
expression that evaluates to a location in the process data model
in which to store the value.
aExpression is
a java.lang.String value that represents the XPath expression.
getContainedDataTypeForCollectionRetrieves the data type that a list or map value
ParametersvariableName is
a java.lang.String that represents the name of the list or map variable.
ReturnsAn int value
that denotes the type of object:
- 0:
- boolean
- 1:
- short
- 2:
- int
- 3:
- long
- 4:
- float
- 5:
- double
- 6:
- decimal
- 7:
- string
- 8:
- binary
- 9:
- date
- 10:
- date_time
- 11:
- xml
- 13:
- document
getProcessDataValueByVariableNameReturns the value for a process variable that can be referenced
by name.
ParametersaVariableName is
a java.lang.String value that represents the variable name.
ReturnsAn Object value
that represents the value that the variable stores.
ThrowsVariableNotFoundException exception
if the named variable cannot be found.