Properties that specify the file to write.
Pathname Pattern
A string value that represents
the fully qualified name of the file to create in the file system
of the LiveCycle Server. The pathname pattern can include the following
parameters that are replaced with specific values at run time.
The current year (four digits)
The current year (last two digits)
The current month
The current day of the month
The current day of the year
The current hour using the 24-hour clock
The current hour using the 12-hour clock
The current minute
The current second
A random number between 0 and 9
A document value that contains
the content to write to the file.
If you provide a literal
value, clicking the ellipsis button
the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
Make Unique
A boolean value that specifies
whether the name of the file is to be made unique. A value of True indicates
the file name should be made unique and a value of False indicates
the file name is not unique. The default is False.
specify the literal value of True, select Make
Unique. To specify the a literal value of False,
deselect Make Unique.
The following behavior occurs if a
file exists with the same file name that is specified for the new
If Make Unique is set to true,
an index is appended to the name of the file that is created. The
index distinguishes the new file from the existing file.
If Make Unique is set to false, the value
of the Over Write property determines the behavior:
if Over Write is set to true, the existing
file is overwritten with the new file.
If Over Write is set to false, an exception
is thrown.
Over Write
A boolean value that specifies
whether to replace a file of the same name provided for Pathname
Pattern if it exists. A value of True indicates
the file is replaced and a value of False indicates
the file name is not replaced. The default is False.
specify the literal value of True, select Over
Write. To specify the a literal value of False,
deselect Over Write.
Note: An exception is thrown
when a file exists with the same name that is specified for the
new file, Over Write is set to false, and Make
Unique is set to false.