| 屬性 | 定義自 |
|  | additionalMetadata : String
This property can be used to store additional metadata, while extending the application. | Participant |
|  | assignedTo : IMemberCollection [覆寫] [唯讀]
Reference to the member collection to which this member is assigned. | StageParticipant |
|  | calculatedDuration : Number
Duration calculated from calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate. | StageParticipant |
|  | calculatedEndDate : Date
The endDate if the participant task has ended. | StageParticipant |
|  | calculatedStartDate : Date
The startDate if the participant task has started. | StageParticipant |
|  | canonicalName : String [唯讀]
CanonicalName of the member as defined in Document Server User Management. | Participant |
|  | completedBy : String
This property stores the reference to the user who completed the task assigned to a participant. | Participant |
|  | completedFromIP : String
This property holds the IP from which a task assigned to a participant is completed. | Participant |
|  | constructor : Object
類別物件的參照或是特定物件實體的建構函數。 | Object |
|  | createdAt : String
The state of review when this participant was added
| StageParticipant |
|  | disposition : String
Current disposition of a participant, if any. | Participant |
|  | domainName : String [唯讀]
Domain name of the member as defined in Document Server User Management. | Participant |
|  | email : String [唯讀]
Email of the member. | Participant |
|  | endDate : Date
End date of participant's role in the stage. | StageParticipant |
|  | finalComments : String
The final comments made by the participant after reviewing or approving a document. | Participant |
|  | ganttItems : ArrayCollection [唯讀]
A collection of the displayable children that are displayed in the Gantt chart if showChildren flag is set to True. | StageParticipant |
|  | id : String [唯讀]
Unique identifier for a participant. | Participant |
|  | itemEndDate : Date [唯讀]
End date of the item. | StageParticipant |
|  | itemName : String [唯讀]
Name of the item. | StageParticipant |
|  | itemStartDate : Date [唯讀]
Start date of the item. | StageParticipant |
|  | itemState : String [唯讀]
State of the item. | StageParticipant |
|  | itemStatus : String [唯讀]
Status of the item. | StageParticipant |
|  | itemType : String [唯讀]
Type of item. | StageParticipant |
|  | name : String [唯讀]
Name of the member. | Participant |
| | operationList : ArrayCollection [覆寫] [唯讀]
A collection of operations that are available to a user through the context menu in the Gantt chart. | Reviewer |
| | optional : Boolean
A Boolean value to decide if the reviewer is optional or not. | Reviewer |
|  | reviewContext : IReviewContext
The details of the review version of which a participant is a part. | Participant |
|  | reviewStage : IStage
Stage object which has this participant object in its list of participants. | StageParticipant |
| | role : String [覆寫] [唯讀]
Role of the member in the workflow. | Reviewer |
|  | showChildren : Boolean
A Boolean flag to determine if the children need to be displayed. | StageParticipant |
|  | showParent : Boolean
A Boolean flag to determine if the parent needs to be displayed. | StageParticipant |
|  | startDate : Date
Start date of participant's role in the stage. | StageParticipant |
|  | status : String
Current status of a participant. | Participant |
|  | title : String [唯讀]
Title of the member in the workflow. | Participant |
|  | type : String [唯讀]
| Participant |
|  | user : IUser
The user object for a participant. | Participant |
|  | vo : ParticipantVO
The Value Object for a participant. | Participant |