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IAutomationObjectHelper  - AS3 Flex

Interfejspublic interface IAutomationObjectHelper
Implementory AutomationManager

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The IAutomationObjectHelper interface defines helper methods for IAutomationObjects.

Właściwości publiczne
 WłaściwośćZdefiniowane przez
  recording : Boolean
[tylko do odczytu] Indicates whether recording is taking place, true, or not, false.
  replaying : Boolean
[tylko do odczytu] Indicates whether replay is taking place, true, or not, false.
Metody publiczne
 MetodaZdefiniowane przez
addSynchronization(isComplete:Function, target:Object = null):void
Adds a synchronization object to the automation manager.
Returns the parent of the composite object.
helpCreateIDPart(parent:IAutomationObject, child:IAutomationObject, automationNameCallback:Function = null, automationIndexCallback:Function = null):AutomationIDPart
Creates an id for a given child within a parent.
helpCreateIDPartWithRequiredProperties(parent:IAutomationObject, child:IAutomationObject, properties:Array, automationNameCallback:Function = null, automationIndexCallback:Function = null):AutomationIDPart
Creates an id for a given child within a parent.
Returns an Array of children within a parent which match the id.
Determines whether an object is a composite or not.
Dispatches a MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, and MouseEvent.CLICK from the specified IInteractionReplayer with the specified modifiers.
Replays a click event outside of the main drawing area.
Dispatches a KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN and KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP event for the specified KeyboardEvent object.
replayKeyDownKeyUp(to:IEventDispatcher, keyCode:uint, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false):Boolean
Dispatches a KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN and KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP event from the specified IInteractionReplayer, for the specified key, with the specified modifiers.
Dispatches a MouseEvent while simulating mouse capture.
Szczegół właściwości


recording:Boolean  [tylko do odczytu]

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Indicates whether recording is taking place, true, or not, false.

    public function get recording():Boolean


replaying:Boolean  [tylko do odczytu]

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Indicates whether replay is taking place, true, or not, false.

    public function get replaying():Boolean
Szczegół metody


public function addSynchronization(isComplete:Function, target:Object = null):void

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Adds a synchronization object to the automation manager. The automation manager waits until the isComplete method returns true before proceeding with the next replay event.


isComplete:Function — Function that indicates whether the synchronized operation is completed.
target:Object (default = null) — If null, all replay is stalled until the isComplete method returns true, otherwise the automation manager will only wait if the next operation is on the target.


public function getAutomationComposite(obj:IAutomationObject):IAutomationObject

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns the parent of the composite object.


obj:IAutomationObject — Composite object.

IAutomationObject — The parent IAutomationObject of the composite object.


public function helpCreateIDPart(parent:IAutomationObject, child:IAutomationObject, automationNameCallback:Function = null, automationIndexCallback:Function = null):AutomationIDPart

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Creates an id for a given child within a parent.


parent:IAutomationObject — Parent of object for which to create and id.
child:IAutomationObject — Object for which to create an id.
automationNameCallback:Function (default = null) — A user-supplied function used to determine the child's automationName.
automationIndexCallback:Function (default = null) — A user-supplied function used to determine the child's automationIndex.

AutomationIDPart — An AutomationIDPart object representing the child within the parent.


public function helpCreateIDPartWithRequiredProperties(parent:IAutomationObject, child:IAutomationObject, properties:Array, automationNameCallback:Function = null, automationIndexCallback:Function = null):AutomationIDPart

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Creates an id for a given child within a parent.


parent:IAutomationObject — Parent of object for which to create and id.
child:IAutomationObject — Object for which to create an id.
properties:Array — which needs to be considered for creating the id.
automationNameCallback:Function (default = null) — A user-supplied function used to determine the child's automationName.
automationIndexCallback:Function (default = null) — A user-supplied function used to determine the child's automationIndex.

AutomationIDPart — An AutomationIDPart object representing the child within the parent.


public function helpResolveIDPart(parent:IAutomationObject, part:Object):Array

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Returns an Array of children within a parent which match the id.


parent:IAutomationObject — Parent object under which the id needs to be resolved.
part:Object — AutomationIDPart object representing the child.

Array — Array of children which match the id of part.


public function isAutomationComposite(obj:IAutomationObject):Boolean

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Determines whether an object is a composite or not. If an object is not reachable through the automation APIs from the top application then it is considered to be a composite.


obj:IAutomationObject — The object.

Booleantrue if the object is a composite.


public function replayClick(to:IEventDispatcher, sourceEvent:MouseEvent = null):Boolean

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Dispatches a MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, and MouseEvent.CLICK from the specified IInteractionReplayer with the specified modifiers.


to:IEventDispatcher — Event dispatcher.
sourceEvent:MouseEvent (default = null) — Mouse event.

Booleantrue if the events were dispatched.


public function replayClickOffStage():Boolean

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Replays a click event outside of the main drawing area. use this method to simulate the mouseDownOutside event.

Booleantrue if the event was dispatched.


public function replayKeyboardEvent(to:IEventDispatcher, event:KeyboardEvent):Boolean

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Dispatches a KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN and KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP event for the specified KeyboardEvent object.


to:IEventDispatcher — Event dispatcher.
event:KeyboardEvent — Keyboard event.

Booleantrue if the events were dispatched.


public function replayKeyDownKeyUp(to:IEventDispatcher, keyCode:uint, ctrlKey:Boolean = false, shiftKey:Boolean = false, altKey:Boolean = false):Boolean

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Dispatches a KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN and KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP event from the specified IInteractionReplayer, for the specified key, with the specified modifiers.


to:IEventDispatcher — Key code for key pressed.
keyCode:uint — Boolean indicating whether Ctrl key pressed.
ctrlKey:Boolean (default = false) — Boolean indicating whether Shift key pressed.
shiftKey:Boolean (default = false) — Boolean indicating whether Alt key pressed.
altKey:Boolean (default = false)

Booleantrue if the events were dispatched.


public function replayMouseEvent(target:IEventDispatcher, event:MouseEvent):Boolean

Wersja języka: ActionScript 3.0
Wersja produktu: Flex 3
Wersje środowiska wykonawczego: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Dispatches a MouseEvent while simulating mouse capture.


target:IEventDispatcher — Event dispatcher.
event:MouseEvent — Mouse event.

Booleantrue if the event was dispatched.

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