Pakiet zawiera wszystkie interfejsy domen zdefiniowane w składowej recenzowania, komentowania i zatwierdzania. Te interfejsy domen udostępniają właściwości obiektu wartości i operacje specyficzne dla domen.
| Interfejs | Opis |
| IApprover |
Represents an approver in an approval stage. |
| IAuthor |
Defines a stage participant who is responsible for creation of an asset in a creation stage. |
| IComment |
Defines the structure of a comment published during a stage on an asset. |
| IInitiator |
Defines an initiator of a review. |
| IModerator |
Defines a moderator of a stage. |
| IParticipant |
Defines a participant in review. |
| IReviewContext |
Defines details of a particular review version. |
| IReviewer |
Defines the properties of a reviewer participant in a review stage. |
| IReviewTemplate |
Defines a schedule template,
| IStage |
Defines a stage inside a schedule template. |
| IStageParticipant |
Defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage. |
| IStageTemplate |
Defines a stage template. |
| ISupportingDocument |
Defines a supporting document. |
| IUser |
Defines a user such as a project or an asset owner, a team member, or a stage participant. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 12:20 PM Z