Pakket | mx.collections |
Klasse | public class SummaryRow |
Overerving | SummaryRow ![]() |
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Flex 3 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
of the GroupingField or GroupingCollection class.
You display the summary data in an existing row of the AdvancedDataGrid control,
or display it in a separate row.
The summaries
property of the GroupingField or GroupingCollection class takes an
instance of the SummaryRow class. You then use the fields
of the SummaryRow class to specify an Array of one or more SummaryField/SummaryField2 instances
that define the fields of the data used to create the summary.
needs to be used when using GroupingCollection2
The following example creates summary rows based on two fields of the data provider of the AdvancedDataGrid control:
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myADG" initialize="gc.refresh();"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc" source="{dpFlat}"> <mx:Grouping> <mx:GroupingField name="Region"> <mx:summaries> <mx:SummaryRow summaryPlacement="group"> <mx:fields> <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual" label="Min Actual" operation="MIN"/> <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual" label="Max Actual" operation="MAX"/> </mx:fields> </mx:SummaryRow> </mx:summaries> </mx:GroupingField> <mx:GroupingField name="Territory"> <mx:summaries> <mx:SummaryRow summaryPlacement="group"> <mx:fields> <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual" label="Min Actual" operation="MIN"/> <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual" label="Max Actual" operation="MAX"/> </mx:fields> </mx:SummaryRow> </mx:summaries> </mx:GroupingField> </mx:Grouping> </mx:GroupingCollection> </mx:dataProvider> <mx:columns> <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Region"/> <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Territory_Rep" headerText="Territory Rep"/> <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Actual"/> <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Estimate"/> <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Min Actual"/> <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Max Actual"/> </mx:columns> </mx:AdvancedDataGrid>MXML-syntaxis

tag defines the following tag attributes:
<mx:SummaryRow Properties fields="No default" summaryObjectFunction="No default" summaryPlacement="last" />
Meer voorbeelden
Verwante API-elementen
Eigenschap | Gedefinieerd door | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
Verwijzing naar het klasseobject of de constructorfunctie van een bepaalde objectinstantie. | Object | |
fields : Array
Array of SummaryField/SummaryField2 instances that define the characteristics of the
data fields used to create the summary. | SummaryRow | ||
summaryObjectFunction : Function
Specifies a callback function that defines the summary object,
which is an instance of the SummaryObject class. | SummaryRow | ||
summaryPlacement : String = "last"
Specifies where the summary row appears in the AdvancedDataGrid control. | SummaryRow |
Methode | Gedefinieerd door | ||
Constructor. | SummaryRow | ||
![]() |
Geeft aan of voor een object een opgegeven eigenschap is gedefinieerd. | Object | |
![]() |
Geeft aan of een instantie van de klasse Object zich in de prototypeketen van het object bevindt dat als parameter is opgegeven. | Object | |
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Geeft aan of de opgegeven eigenschap bestaat en kan worden opgesomd. | Object | |
![]() |
Stelt de beschikbaarheid van een dynamische eigenschap voor lusbewerkingen in. | Object | |
![]() |
Geeft de tekenreeksweergave van dit object weer, geformatteerd volgens de locatiespecifieke conventies. | Object | |
![]() |
Retourneert een tekenreeksrepresentatie van het opgegeven object. | Object | |
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Retourneert de primitieve waarde van het opgegeven object. | Object |
fields | eigenschap |
public var fields:Array
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Flex 3 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Array of SummaryField/SummaryField2 instances that define the characteristics of the data fields used to create the summary.
Verwante API-elementen
summaryObjectFunction | eigenschap |
public var summaryObjectFunction:Function
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Flex 3 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Specifies a callback function that defines the summary object, which is an instance of the SummaryObject class. The SummaryObject instance collects summary data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control. The AdvancedDataGrid control adds the SummaryObject instance to the data provider to display the summary data in the control. Therefore, define within the SummaryObject instance the properties that you want to display.
You use this property with the SummaryField.summaryFunction
which defines a callback function to perform the summary calculation.
The GroupingCollection class adds a property called children
to the Object.
The callback function must have the following signature:
function mySumObjFunc():SummaryObject {}
Verwante API-elementen
summaryPlacement | eigenschap |
public var summaryPlacement:String = "last"
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Flex 3 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Specifies where the summary row appears in the AdvancedDataGrid control. Possible values are:
- Create a summary row as the first row in the group."last"
- Create a summary row as the last row in the group."group"
- Add the summary data to the row corresponding to the group.
You can specify multiple values, separated by a space.
For example, a value of "last group"
shows the same summary row
at the group level and in the last row of the children.
SummaryRow | () | Constructor |
public function SummaryRow()
Taalversie: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Productversie: | Flex 3 |
Runtimeversies: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Wed Jun 13 2018, 11:42 AM Z