xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins 패키지에는 AXM(Adobe Experience Modeling) Enterprise 스킨을 사용하여 Flex 4.x 구성 요소의 스킨을 지정하는 데 사용되는 클래스가 들어 있습니다.
클래스 | 설명 | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSegmentSkin | The default skin class for AXMAccordionSegment. | |
AXMEnterpriseAccordionSkin | The default skin class for AXMAccordionSegment. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXM Tab Bar Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetTabBarSkin | The default skin class for the Spark TabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseAssetViewTabBar | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbButto component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbFocusSkin component. | |
AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumbSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseBreadCrumb component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarFirstButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarLastButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBarMiddleButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonBarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButtonBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCheckbox component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmall component. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButtonSkin | The default skin class for a AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseCloseButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseCloseButton component. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseComboBoxButton | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseComboBox. | |
AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInputSkin | The default skin class for the textInput of a AXMEnterpriseComboBoxTextInput component. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseDropDownListButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseDropDownListItemRenderer. | |
AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseDropDownList. | |
AXMEnterpriseFocusSkin | AXMEnterpriseFocusSkin is a custom focus skin to handle the exceptions not covered in the spark FocusSkin | |
AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseGridSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseGridSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollBar. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControlsSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarNoControls The thumb and track are defined in separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbar The thumb and track skins are defined by separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarThumbSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined in separate skins. | |
AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrackSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseHScrollbarTrack | |
AXMEnterpriseIconButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseIconButton | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseLargeButtonSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseLargeToggleButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseNavigationButtonBar The buttons on the ButtonBar component use the ButtonBarLastButtonSkin, ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin and ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin classes. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin | Skin for AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButton | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin | Skin for AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperDecrementButton | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin | The default skin class for a Spark NumericStepper component. | |
AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperTextInputSkin | The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. | |
AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | The default skin class for a AXMEnterprisePanel. | |
AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | The default skin class for a AXMEnterprisePanel. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietButtonSkin | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseQuietHeaderBarButton | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseRadioButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseRadioButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseResizeHandleSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseResizeHandle. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrowSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollDownArrow. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrowSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollLeftArrow. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin.mxml. | |
AXMEnterpriseScrollUpArrowSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseScrollRightArrowSkin.mxml. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | The default skin class for the AXMSplitActionButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTabBarButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseTabBarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseTabBar component. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextAreaSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTextArea. | |
AXMEnterpriseTextInputSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseTextInput. | |
AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | The default skin class for a AXMEnterpriseTitleWindow. | |
AXMEnterpriseToggleButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToggleButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottomSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottom. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarFirstButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarLastButton | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolBarButtonBarMiddleButton | |
AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseToolbarButtonBarSkin. | |
AXMEnterpriseToolBarTopSkin | The default skin class for the Spark Button component. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButtonSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarButton. | |
AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseViewModeButtonBar. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControlsSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseVScrollbar. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumbSkin | The default skin class for the AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarThumb. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControlsSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackNoControls The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrackSkin | The default skin class for AXMEnterpriseVScrollbarTrack The thumb and track skins are defined by the VScrollBarThumbSkin and VScrollBarTrackSkin classes, respectively. | |
MagnifyingGlassIcon | The default skin class for the MagnifyingGlassIcon. | |
SearchTextInputSkin | The default skin class for Spark TextInput component. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 03:32 PM Z