パッケージには、Review, Commenting & Approval(RCA)構築ブロックで公開されているサービスインターフェイスの実装が含まれます。この実装は、Remoting からサーバーサイドの処理を呼び出します。
| クラス | 説明 |
| Auditor |
This class implements the operations of Audit service. |
| CacheToken |
This class extends async token and instead of making remote call to fetch the result, fetches the result from a local cache. |
| FileDataService |
This class implements the operations on managed file instances. |
| RCAServiceProviderImpl |
An implementation of Service provider interface that provides concrete methods to create service instances. |
| ReviewCommentingAndApproval |
Implementation for core service of Review Commenting and Approval Building Block 10.0. |
| ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil |
This class defines the utility functions that are exposed by Review Commenting And Approval utility service. |
| ServiceLocator |
Singleton helper for defining, locating, and working with Review Commenting and Approval services. |
| StageManager |
This class implements operations supported on stage templates. |
| UserManager |
This class implements methods exposed for user management. |
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Tue Jun 12 2018, 10:49 AM Z