Pacchetto | mx.managers |
Classe | public final class CursorManagerPriority |
Ereditarietà | CursorManagerPriority ![]() |
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Flex 3 |
Versioni runtime: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
argument to the
Elementi API correlati
Proprietà pubbliche
Metodi pubblici
Costanti pubbliche
Costante | Definito da | ||
HIGH : int = 1 [statico]
Constant that specifies the highest cursor priority when passed
as the priority argument to setCursor(). | CursorManagerPriority | ||
LOW : int = 3 [statico]
Constant that specifies the lowest cursor priority when passed
as the priority argument to setCursor(). | CursorManagerPriority | ||
MEDIUM : int = 2 [statico]
Constant that specifies a medium cursor priority when passed
as the priority argument to setCursor(). | CursorManagerPriority |
Descrizione delle costanti
HIGH | Costante |
public static const HIGH:int = 1
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Flex 3 |
Versioni runtime: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies the highest cursor priority when passed
as the priority
argument to setCursor()
LOW | Costante |
public static const LOW:int = 3
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Flex 3 |
Versioni runtime: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies the lowest cursor priority when passed
as the priority
argument to setCursor()
MEDIUM | Costante |
public static const MEDIUM:int = 2
Versione linguaggio: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versione prodotto: | Flex 3 |
Versioni runtime: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Constant that specifies a medium cursor priority when passed
as the priority
argument to setCursor()
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:44 PM Z