Paquete | org.osmf.elements |
Clase | public class SerialElement |
Herencia | SerialElement ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Versión del lenguaje: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Versión de producto: | OSMF 1.0 |
Versiones de motor de ejecución: | Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5 |
The media elements that make up a SerialElement are treated as a single, unified media element. For example, if a SerialElement encapsulates a sequence of videos, the SerialElement will behave as if it's a single VideoElement, but one which plays several videos in sequence.
Typically, a trait on a SerialElement is a reflection of the "current" child of the composition. A SerialElement plays through its children in serial order. As the current child completes its execution, the next child in the sequence becomes the "current" child. To a client of the class, the changes from one current child to the next are hidden. They are only noticeable through changes to the traits of this class.
A childless SerialElement has no notion of a "current" child, so it reflects no traits. The first child that is added to a SerialElement immediately becomes the current child of the composition. If the current child is removed, the next child in the sequence becomes the new current child, if there is a next child. If there is no next child, the first child in the sequence becomes the current child.
The only way that the "current" status can pass from one
child to another is when the state of one of the current child's
traits changes in such a way that the
SerialElement knows that it needs to change its current child. For
example, if each child in the sequence has the PlayTrait,
the "current" status advances from one child to the next when a
child finishes playing and its PlayTrait's PlayState
property changes from PLAYING
Another example: if the client of a SerialElement with a SeekTrait
seeks from one point to another, the "current"
status is likely to change from one child to another.
Here is how each trait is expressed when in serial:
- AudioTrait - The composite trait keeps the audible properties of all children in sync. When the volume of a child element (or the composite element) is changed, the volume is similarly changed for all audible children (and for the composite trait).
- BufferTrait - The composite trait represents the bufferable trait of the current child in the sequence. Any changes apply only to the current child.
- DisplayObjectTrait - The composite trait represents the DisplayObjectTrait of the current child in the sequence.
- DRMTrait - The composite trait represents the DRMTrait of the current child in the sequence.
- DVRTrait - The composite trait represents the DVRTrait of the current child in the sequence.
- DynamicStreamTrait - The composite trait represents the DynamicStreamTrait of the current child in the sequence. Any changes apply only to the current child.
- LoadTrait - The composite trait represents the LoadTrait of the current child in the sequence. Any changes apply only to the current child.
- PlayTrait - The composite trait represents the PlayTrait of the current child in the sequence. Any changes apply only to the current child.
- SeekTrait - The composite trait represents the SeekTrait of the current child in the sequence. A seek operation can change the current child.
- TimeTrait - The reported duration of the TimeTrait of a SerialElement is the sum of the current child and any completed children only. The reported value does not reflect the sum of the duration of all the children.
Propiedad | Definido por | ||
![]() | constructor : Object
Una referencia a la clase de objeto o función constructora para una instancia de objeto determinada. | Object | |
currentChild : MediaElement [solo lectura]
The currently active child of this SerialElement. | SerialElement | ||
![]() | metadataNamespaceURLs : Vector.<String> [solo lectura]
A Vector containing the namespace URLs for all Metadata
objects stored within this MediaElement. | MediaElement |
Método | Definido por | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registra un objeto de detector de eventos con un objeto EventDispatcher, de modo que el detector reciba la notificación de un evento. | EventDispatcher | |
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Distribuye un evento en el flujo del evento. | EventDispatcher | |
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Comprueba si el objeto EventDispatcher tiene detectores registrados para un tipo concreto de evento. | EventDispatcher | |
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Indica si un objeto tiene definida una propiedad especificada. | Object | |
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Indica si hay una instancia de la clase Object en la cadena de prototipo del objeto especificado como parámetro. | Object | |
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Indica si existe la propiedad especificada y si es enumerable. | Object | |
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Elimina un detector del objeto EventDispatcher. | EventDispatcher | |
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Establece la disponibilidad de una propiedad dinámica para operaciones de bucle. | Object | |
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Devuelve la representación de cadena de este objeto, con formato según las convenciones específicas de configuración regional. | Object | |
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Devuelve la representación de cadena del objeto especificado. | Object | |
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Devuelve el valor simple del objeto especificado. | Object | |
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Comprueba si hay registrado un detector de eventos con este objeto EventDispatcher o con cualquiera de sus ascendientes para el tipo de evento concreto. | EventDispatcher |
currentChild | propiedad |
[solo lectura] The currently active child of this SerialElement.
public function get currentChild():MediaElement
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement; import org.osmf.elements.SerialElement; import; import; public class SerialElementExample extends Sprite { public function SerialElementExample() { super(); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; var mediaPlayerSprite:MediaPlayerSprite = new MediaPlayerSprite(); var serialElement:SerialElement = new SerialElement(); var videoElement:LightweightVideoElement = new LightweightVideoElement(); videoElement.resource = new URLResource(""); var videoElement2:LightweightVideoElement = new LightweightVideoElement(); videoElement2.resource = new URLResource(""); serialElement.addChild(videoElement); serialElement.addChild(videoElement2); addChild(mediaPlayerSprite); = serialElement; } } }
Tue Jun 12 2018, 02:12 PM Z