Navigating Workspace using a keyboard

When you are navigating Workspace by using a keyboard, the navigation conforms to Flex accessibility conventions. In certain situations, the tabbing order does not follow the typical conventional order. These tips help you navigate the interface:

  • If you have problems tabbing out of the toolbars at the top of the browser, press Ctrl+Tab to tab into the content of the browser window.

  • If you open the Preferences or Messages window, the focus remains with the menu. You must tab past the remaining menus (Help and Logout) to tab into the open Preferences or Messages window.

  • The Workspace Help opens in a separate browser window. After you view the Help, return focus back to the browser window that contains Workspace.

  • When you open a form to start a process or complete a task, the focus jumps to the first field in the form. Tabbing order through the form depends on the type and design of the form. For PDF forms, when you tab through to the end of the form or submit the form, the cursor focus jumps to the browser Address bar. You must tab through the menus again (but not the entire form) to go to the form action buttons such as Save As Draft and Complete. If the form is still open, you can also tab past the buttons and back into the form.

  • Under Tracking, when you select a task from a process, you can open the attachments, assignments, or form for the task by pressing Shift+Tab to back out to the list that contains the Task, Attachments, Assignments, and Form options, and then select the item you want to open from the list.

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