Task Result

A complex data type that represents the information that is submitted to LiveCycle Server when a Process Management task is submitted. Task Result values are saved by using the Task Result property of Assign Task operation operations.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items.

Data items

The data items that Task Result values contain.


A long value that represents the unique identification of the operation instance that produced the Task Result value.


A dateTime value that represents the date and time when the task was assigned to the user.


A list of document values that represent the attachments and notes that the user added to the task.


A com.adobe.idp.um.api.infomodel.Impl.PrincipalImpl value that represents the user who completed the task.


A string value that represents the unique identification of the user who completed the task.


A dateTime value that represents the date and time when the user completed the task.


A string value that represents the comments that the user added to the task. Comments are added using the Approval Container (Deprecated) tools.


A document value that contains the field data that was submitted with the task.


An xml value that represents the field data that was submitted with the task.


A com.adobe.idp.um.api.infomodel.Impl.PrincipalImpl value that represents the user who was initially assigned the task.


A string value that represents the unique identification of the user who was initially assigned the task.


A string value that represents the IP address of the computer that was used to complete the task.


A boolean value that indicates whether the task is active or completed. A value of true indicates the task is active and false indicates the task is completed.


A boolean value that indicates whether the task is active or completed. A value of true indicates the task is completed and false indicates the task is active.


A boolean value that indicates whether a deadline caused the task to complete. A value of true indicates a deadline occurred and false indicates no deadline occurred.


A boolean value that indicates whether the task was completed by being terminated. A value of true indicates the task was terminated and false indicates the task was not terminated.


A list of string values that represent the user actions that were available for completing the task.


A string value that represents the user action that was used to complete the task.


A string value that represents the name of the operation that generated the task. This value is the Name property of the Assign Task or Assign Multiple Tasks operation on the process diagram.


A long value that represents the unique identification of the task that produced the Task Result value.


A short value that represents the status of the task. The following values are possible:

The task was completed normally.

A deadline caused the task to complete.

The task was terminated.

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