Revoking access to policy-protected documents

You can revoke access to a policy-protected document. The result of this action is that all copies of the document are no longer accessible to users. When a user attempts to open a revoked document, they can be redirected to a specified URL where a revised document can be viewed. When you revoke access to a document, the change takes effect the next time the user opens the policy-protected document online.

The ability to revoke access to a document provides additional security. For example, assume a newer version of a document is available and you no longer want anyone viewing the outdated version. In this situation, access to the older document can be revoked, and no one can view the document unless access is reinstated.

Reinstating access to documents

You can reinstate (unrevoke) access to a revoked document. The result is that all copies of the revoked document are accessible to users.

Methods for revoking access to documents

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