Switching the policy applied to a document

To update a policy-protected document with a newer policy, it is more efficient to switch the policy than to remove it and add the updated policy.

When you switch a policy, the new policy is enforced as follows:

  • If the document is online and closed, the change takes effect the next time the recipient synchronizes with Rights Management by opening any policy-protected document online.

  • If the document is online and open, the change takes effect when the user closes the document.

  • If the document is offline, the change is applied the next time the user synchronizes with Rights Management by opening a policy-protected document online.

Note: To permit anonymous access to a policy-protected document that currently does not have this access, remove the existing policy in the client application and apply a policy that permits anonymous access. If you switch the policy, users still must log in to access the document.

Methods for switching policies

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