Monitoring events

The Rights Management service can track specific actions related to the policy-protected document as they occur. This tracking happens when the auditing capability is enabled and the policy used to protect a document has auditing enabled. Events include activities such as applying a policy to a document and opening a policy-protected document.

Events fall into one of the following categories:

  • Administrator events are actions related to an administrator, such as creating a new administrator account.

  • Document events are actions related to a document, such as closing a policy-protected document.

  • Policy events are actions related to a policy, such as creating a new policy.

  • Service events are actions related to the Rights Management service, such as synchronizing with the user directory.

You can use the Rights Management Service API to search for specific events. You can also use the Rights Management web pages to search and view audited events. Users can view audited events for their policy-protected documents and for protected documents that they receive and use. Administrators can view audited events that are related to all policy-protected documents and users. Administrators can also track other types of events, including user, document, policy, and system events.

Events that are performed on a copy of a policy-protected document are also tracked as events with the original protected document.

A failed event is recorded if an unauthorized user attempts to view a document or log in using an incorrect user name or password.

Policies can allow anonymous user access. If the administrator later turns off anonymous access, anonymous access will fail for documents protected with the policy, and the event will not be logged.

Methods for monitoring events

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