LiveCycle modules

Modules provide the functional services that are required to build customer engagement applications that can be deployed to the LiveCycle Server. Here are examples of some of the business functions module offer:

  • Encrypting PDF documents

  • Applying policies or usage rights to PDF documents

  • Converting an image to PDF

  • Remote invocation of services

  • Capturing data in Guides (deprecated)

Any additional modules you deploy provide the specific business functions that you build LiveCycle applications on. Some modules, such as LiveCycle Rights Management and LiveCycle Reader Extensions, include web-based interfaces that let users interact with components. For example, users can use the interfaces to apply policies or usage rights to documents that are part of a business processes. LiveCycle Workspace lets end users initiate and participate in form-based business processes.

Note: The Flex Worksapce is deprecated for AEM forms. It is available for the LiveCycle ES4 release.

Modules typically consume documents or produce documents. Module components can perform any of the following tasks:

  • Render PDF forms

  • Encrypt PDF documents with passwords

  • Apply digital signatures to PDF documents

  • Merge data into a simple PDF form

  • Assemble information from multiple PDF documents into a single document

Using development tools, you can combine process management with electronic forms, document security, and document generation into a LiveCycle application. The application integrates components to ensure that business processes work inside and outside the firewall, and for users in online and offline environments.

Business process management

LiveCycle Process Management
Streamline human-centric business processes across your firewall.

Mobile Workspace
Extend the business processes to the field workforce.

Mobile workspace

LiveCycle Mobile Workspace
Use a mobile device to work on LiveCycle tasks on a mobile device. Take tasks offline, make updates to task data, take photographs, and use the scribble feature to work on your tasks. Submit tasks to the LiveCycle server.

Demo Workspace app
Use the Demo workspace app to get a quick and easy understanding of the basic mobile app workflow. Download the app and get started on a pre-defined workflow. Make changes to the app to suit your requirements.

Forms automation

Forms Manager
Streamline the process of updating, managing, and retiring thousands of forms. Rapidly publish documents and enterprise forms on your website without requiring IT support.

LiveCycle Forms
Deploy interactive XML-based forms in Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, or web browsers.

Reader Extensions
Fill, sign, comment on, or save PDF files using only Adobe Reader.

Mobile Forms
Enable forms on mobile devices where PDF forms are not supported.

Document and information security

Rights Management
Manage usage rights to protect sensitive documents in PDF, Microsoft Office, or CAD formats.

LiveCycle Digital Signatures
Automate the signing, certification, and validation of digital signatures in PDF documents.

Communications management

LiveCycle Output
Dynamically generate personalized documents on demand in print and electronic formats.

LiveCycle PDF Generator
Automate the creation and assembly of PDF documents from virtually any file format.

Correspondence Management
enables you to quickly assemble correspondence from both pre-approved and custom-authored content in a streamlined process from creation to archival.

Enterprise Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)

Data Services
Integrate RIAs with LiveCycle, Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications, and business logic.

Content management

Connectors for ECM
Extend your LiveCycle applications to connect with industry-leading enterprise content management (ECM) systems.

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