
Foundation provides the underlying server capabilities that enable the deployment, execution, and management of modules. Foundation consists of several pieces.

Foundation components

Components that enable the LiveCycle Server to integrate with a common IT infrastructure. For example, these components can enable the following tasks:

  • Querying a directory through LDAP

  • Sending and receiving email

  • Querying a relational database

  • Writing files to the file system

Service container

The service container provides the common run-time environment to support all modules and associated services.

Administration tools

Foundation includes several administration tools:

LiveCycle Administration Console:
A web-based interface that system administrators use to manage a LiveCycle deployment. The key features are as follows:
  • Administration pages for modules and services

  • Configuration of server settings, such as port numbers

  • Configuration of users, user groups, roles, and associated permissions

  • Deployment and configuration of LiveCycle applications

See LiveCycle Administration Console.

Configuration Manager:
Enables the configuration and deployment of the product, including adding service packs and patches.

LiveCycle Launch Pad:
An Adobe AIR® client application that provides access from your desktop to the services on your LiveCycle Server.

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