New SKUs in LiveCycle ES4

LiveCycle ES4 introduces a few new SKUs. The following table lists these SKUs and corresponding LiveCycle modules that you must select when running LiveCycle Configuration Manager. These modules are required for the SKUs to be fully funtional.


LiveCycle modules

Adobe LiveCycle Forms Pro

Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES4, version 11.0.0

Adobe LiveCycle Mobile Forms ES4, version 11.0.0

Adobe LiveCycle Form Manager ES4, version 11.0.0

Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES4, version 11.0.0 *

Adobe LiveCycle Output ES4, version 11.0.0 *

Content Repository, version 11.0.0 *

Adobe LiveCycle Forms Standard

Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES4, version 11.0.0

Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES4, version 11.0.0 *

Adobe LiveCycle Form Pro Add-on (For existing Adobe LiveCycle Forms customers)

Adobe LiveCycle Mobile Forms ES4, version 11.0.0

Adobe LiveCycle Form Manager ES4, version 11.0.0

Adobe LiveCycle Output ES4, version 11.0.0 *

Content Repository, version 11.0.0 *

Important: The asterisk (*) implies that the use of Adobe LiveCycle Output, Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions, and Content Repository is restricted. For more information, see LiveCycle OnPremise Product Description and Metrics (PDM) agreement.
Note: Adobe LiveCycle Process Management ES4 requires you to select Content Repository* module in addition to Adobe LiveCycle Process Management ES4 module when running Configuration Manager. To take advantage of new Mobile Workspace capability in Adobe LiveCycle Process Management ES4, you will need Adobe LiveCycle Forms Pro or Adobe LiveCycle Forms Pro add-on SKU.

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