Workspace (Options dialog box)

Use this dialog to show or hide tool tips about objects, set Script Editor options, and set source view options.

To display this dialog box, select Tools > Options and select Workspace from the list on the left.

Display Position And Size Tool Tips While Editing
Displays the position and size tool tips.

Display Object Name Tool Tips While Pointing
Displays the tool tip for the object when your pointer is over it.

Display Keep Drawing Tool
Enables the Keep Drawing command on the View menu and adds the Keep Drawing button to the Standard toolbar.

Make Fixed-Size Text Objects Auto-Fit While Editing
Expands fixed-size objects to fit the amount of text. The object will grow horizontally until it reaches the right edge of the parent or the user types a carriage return, at which point the object will grow vertically.

FormCalc Syntax Formatting
Displays the font and color settings of FormCalc syntax in the Script Editor.

JavaScript Syntax Formatting
Displays the font and color settings of JavaScript syntax in the Script Editor.

Show Statement Completion Options
Displays the statement completion options in the Script Editor.

Add Statement Completion Method Signatures
Automatically appends the parameter signature to the script.

Show Line Numbers
Displays the line number in the Script Editor.

Default Language for New Forms
Sets the default scripting language for new forms. To set the scripting language for an individual form, use the Default Language list on the Defaults panel in the Forms Properties dialog box. See Defaults (Form Properties dialog box).

XML Source Syntax Formatting
Displays the font and color settings of the XML syntax on the XML Source page.

Show Line Numbers
Displays the line number on the XML Source page.

Set Current Designer As Default
Sets Designer as the default version. The default version is the registered version of Designer. If you have an earlier version on your system and you start it, the previous version will self-register and becomes the default version.

Designer should check whether it is the default Designer on startup
Checks whether Designer is the default version when you start it. If it is not the default version, you can set it as the default.

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