Approving the preliminary loan form

When the form is sent to the loan officer, a task is displayed as an item in the To Do list. The loan officer approves or denies the loan request.

Log in as the loan officer and approve the loan

  1. Log in to Workspace as John Jacobs. (See Logging in to Workspace.) The Welcome screen appears.

  2. On the Welcome screen, verify that a number appears in To Do, and then click To Do.

  3. Click the Review and approve loan form process card. The Form tab displays the form to approve. Notice that Approve and Deny buttons are displayed in this illustration:

    View full size graphic
    Approve or Deny the loan application.
  4. Click the Approve button.

  5. Click Logout. A Please Confirm dialog box appears with the prompt: Are You Sure You want To Logout?

  6. Click OK.

You have approved the loan application as the loan officer, John Jacobs.

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