Starting a preliminary loan application

In Workspace, you will fill a form to start the preliminary loan approval service by clicking a process card. The process card is accessible from the Loan category you were assigned while creating the process in Workbench.

Fill a form as Sarah Rose

  1. Log in to Workspace as Sarah Rose. (See Logging in to Workspace.) The Welcome screen appears.

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Start Process.

  3. On the Start Process tab, click Loans. The Apply For Preliminary Loan is displayed as a process card as shown in the following illustration. The process card contains the image you specified in Workbench when you created the process.

    View full size graphic
    Card view to start a process in Workspace.
  4. Click the Apply for preliminary loan process card. The Task Details and Form tabs appear and the Form tab is selected. On the Form tab, the form is opened using Adobe Reader.

  5. Fill the form by completing these tasks:

    • In the Name box, type Sarah Rose.

    • In the Loan Amount box, type 100000.

    • In the Phone Or Email box, type (123)123-1234.

    After you fill the PDF form, your completed form looks like this illustration.

    View full size graphic
    Completed form in Workspace.
  6. Click Complete.

    Note: The Submit button is no longer in the form. The Submit button on the form is hidden so that the user submits forms by using buttons provided by Workspace.
  7. Click Logout. A Please Confirm dialog box appears with the prompt: Are You Sure You Want To Logout?

  8. Click OK.

You have filled a preliminary loan approval form.

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