Verifying the loan status and confirming PDF file creation

Verify that the loan was approved and a PDF file created and archived to a network location.

Note: To view the archived PDF file, log in to the Documen Server.

Verify that the form was saved to a network location

  1. On the LiveCycle server, navigate to C:\followuploans\ using Windows Explorer. If you provided another location, navigate to that location on the computer or network.

  2. Verify that a filename, approvedby_John Jacobs.pdf, exists as shown in this illustration.

    Note: If you tested multiple times, multiple files named Approved_byJohn Jacobs with a unique number appended to the end of each file appear.
    PDF file stored in file system.

View the approval status

  1. Log in to Workspace as Sarah Rose. (See Logging in to Workspace.). The Welcome screen appears.

  2. On the Welcome screen, confirm that a number (other than zero) appears in To Do, and click To Do.

  3. Click the View approval status process card.

  4. Verify that the Approval Status field is set to APPROVED. Now, the approved form looks like this illustration.

    View full size graphic
    Approved loan application form.
  5. Click Complete.

You verified that the loan approval form was routed back to the user who applied for the loan. In addition, you verified that a PDF file was created and archived to a network location.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed this tutorial! You have created, deployed, and tested your first LiveCycle application. Optionally, you can record the process as it runs and view the recording. (See Troubleshooting a process.).

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