Panel Layouts for Guides (deprecated)

A panel layout defines the visual layout and presentation of objects on a panel in the Guide tree. The Guide Design perspective in Workbench includes default panel layouts. These default layouts are designed to help you quickly create Guides with panels that are structured in visually appealing and meaningful ways.

Using Flash Builder, you can create new panel layouts to structure panel content in new ways. You can also include Flex objects that take advantage of the capabilities of Flex.

Common panel layout components for Guides

In general, a panel layout includes components that act as placeholders for text, objects, or Guide extensions that you specify in Workbench. Most panel layouts include common Guide placeholder components:

A placeholder object that displays an item, or a repeating sequence of items, from the Guide tree. The item is either a field, text object, or button.

Corresponds to the Guide Text object in the Guide Design perspective in Workbench. Each PanelText object is contained within a PanelItem.

A placeholder object that displays the name of the current panel. Specify the panel title in the Guide Design perspective in Workbench.

Displays panel help text to a Guide filler. Specify the panel help text in the Guide Design perspective in Workbench.
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Panel help text (HelpPanel) that you specify in the Guide Design perspective in Workbench. Depending on the Guide layout, the panel Help can appear as part of the panel. It can also appear with the Guide Help text in the Help Center area of the Guide layout.

Panel content that consists of Guide objects (PanelItem) as well as Flex components.

Panel title text (PanelTitle) that you specify in the Guide Design perspective in Workbench.

Example of a panel layout for Guides

The MXML source code for the panel layouts included with Workbench are available in the Guides SDK code\src\ga\layouts folder. The Guides SDK is located where Workbench is installed. By default, the Guides SDK is located in C:\Program Files\LiveCycle\Workbench 10\sdk\misc\Guides.

For example, examine the MXML source for the One Column panel layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<ga:LayoutTemplate width="100%" height="100%" 
    xmlns:gc="ga.controls.*"    > 
            import mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor; 
            import ga.controls.Wrapper; 
            override public function get documentDescriptor(  ):UIComponentDescriptor { return Object(this)._documentDescriptor_; } 
            override public function set documentDescriptor( oDescriptor:UIComponentDescriptor ):void { Object(this)._documentDescriptor_ = oDescriptor; }         
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" styleName="layoutobjects"> 
        <gc:HelpPanel id="helpPanel" styleName="panelhelp" /> 
        <ga:PanelItem  itemInstancesPerCycle="-1" repeatItemLimit="-1"  width="100%"/> 

The MXML code is distributed into several sections:

  • Initial namespace definitions Namespaces are a convenient way to define shortcuts to ActionScript packages to simplify your code. To use Spark or MX components, you must include them in the namespace definitions.

  • <mx:Metadata> An MXML metadata block. For example, it can define an icon image to display in the Components view of Flash Builder.

  • <mx:Script> The One Column panel layout is an MXML component, and it is created declaratively in MXML. Panel layouts created declaratively require this <mx:Script> block to display form design objects.

  • <gc:HelpPanel> and <ga:PanelItem> Placeholder components for the panel help and Guide objects respectively. Understanding the PanelItem component is critical for creating custom panel layouts.

The PanelItem class for Guide panel layouts

In Workbench, the Guide Tree view in the Guide Design perspective has panels where you add Guide objects. Each panel is like a type of playlist. The objects on a panel are ordered in a sequence that you determine, and each object occupies one space in the sequence.

The PanelItem class behaves like a column in a table, where each object from the playlist occupies one slot, or cell, in the table. You control how many cells you want the column to display. When you include multiple instances of PanelItem, you create a multicolumn experience with objects from the playlist distributed across columns.

For an MXML example of the PanelItem class, see Extend the blank panel layout for a Guide. However, understanding the concept of the PanelItem class is central to understanding panel layouts, and Guides as a whole.

For more examples of the PanelItem class, see the MXML source for the panel layouts included in the Guides SDK code\src\ga\layouts folder. By default, the Guides SDK is located in C:\Program Files\LiveCycle\Workbench 10\sdk\misc\Guides.

Create panel layouts for Guides

Simple panel layouts do not require extensive MXML and ActionScript. These panel layouts are a good introduction to the basic principles of working with the ActionScript packages and classes for Guides.

Creating a panel layout includes several steps:

  1. Create a blank panel layout for a Guide

  2. Extend the blank panel layout for a Guide

Create a blank panel layout for a Guide

Creating a simple panel layout familiarizes you with the basic concepts, including the structure and MXML definition of a panel layout.

Important: Do not edit the panel layout files that are included with Workbench. Instead, make uniquely named copies of the content to help you get started creating panel layout extensions.
  1. In Flash Builder, create a Flex library project and the required folder structure.

    See Flex library Projects for Guide (deprecated with LiveCycle ES3) extensions and Folder structure for Guide extensions.

    Note: To display custom panel layouts in the list of panel layouts, create all panel layouts in the layouts folder of your Flex library project. After you add the Flex library project in Workbench, the list of panel layouts appears in the Guide Properties view.
  2. Right-click the layouts folder, and then click New > MXML Component.

  3. Type a unique filename.

    Workbench modifies the name of your custom panel layout when it displays it. It adds a space immediately before each uppercase character and number in the name to make it easier to read. For example, an MXML component named MyPanel.mxml appears as My Panel in Workbench.

  4. From the Based On list, select LayoutTemplate.

  5. (Optional) Set the values for Width and Height to 100%.

  6. Click Finish.

The MXML source for your new panel layout looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<model:LayoutTemplate xmlns:fx="" 
                    xmlns:model="ga.model.*" width="100" height="100">     

This panel layout project compiles with no warnings or errors. However, this panel layout in its current state does not display any objects or content. You need to extend the blank panel layout to display Guide objects and Flex components.

Extend the blank panel layout for a Guide

After you create the shell for the new panel layout, add Flex or Guide components in Flash Builder. However, panel layouts are not required to contain any specific Guide components. For example, you can create a panel that contains text objects, such as legal text or instructions, which a user must read before filling the Guide.

After you create a blank panel layout (see Create a blank panel layout for a Guide), you can extend it.

For example, extend the blank panel layout to mimic the functionality of the One Column panel layout that is included in Workbench. Add the following to the blank panel layout:

  • xmlns:gc="ga.controls.*"

    Defines the namespace for the HelpPanel class.

  • <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" styleName="layoutobjects" />

    A standard Flex component for organizing objects into a vertical list.

  • <gc:HelpPanel id="helpPanel" styleName="panelhelp" />

    A region of the panel layout for displaying panel help text. Set the id attribute to helpPanel, and set the styleName attribute to the class name for the corresponding panel help CSS style.

  • <ga:PanelItem itemInstancesPerCycle="-1" repeatItemLimit="-1" width="100%" />

    By default, an instance of PanelItem requires two attributes:
    • itemInstancesPerCycle

      Indicates the number of Guide tree items that can fill a specified column:
      • 1 (default) indicates that only one Guide tree item appears in the output. The layout then moves on to the next instance of PanelItem to continue laying out Guide tree items.

      • -1 indicates that additional instances of the current PanelItem, or column, are added until the repeatItemLimit value is met.

    • repeatItemLimit

      Indicates the maximum number of Guide tree items to add to the instance of PanelItem. To have all the items that you add to the Guide tree for a particular panel to appear in the output, set repeatItemLimit to -1.

The example defines PanelItem declaratively. That is, it defines a PanelItem instance in MXML. As a result, the <mx:Script> ActionScript is required for Guide tree objects to correctly display:

            import mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor; 
            import ga.controls.Wrapper; 
            override public function get documentDescriptor( ):UIComponentDescriptor { return Object(this)._documentDescriptor_; } 
            override public function set documentDescriptor( oDescriptor:UIComponentDescriptor ):void { Object(this)._documentDescriptor_ = oDescriptor; } 

Ensure that your MXML source looks like the following snippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<ga:LayoutTemplate xmlns:mx="" 
    xmlns:gc="ga.controls.*" > 
            import mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor; 
            import ga.controls.Wrapper; 
            override public function get documentDescriptor( ):UIComponentDescriptor { return Object(this)._documentDescriptor_; } 
            override public function set documentDescriptor( oDescriptor:UIComponentDescriptor ):void { Object(this)._documentDescriptor_ = oDescriptor; } 
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" styleName="layoutobjects"> 
        <gc:HelpPanel id="helpPanel" styleName="panelhelp" /> 
        <ga:PanelItem itemInstancesPerCycle="-1" repeatItemLimit="-1" width="100%" /> 

Ensure that the Flex library project builds with no warnings or errors.

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