Send event invitations

If you are an administrator, an event host, or a user with permissions to manage a specific Event library folder, you can send event invitations.

An event invitation is an e‑mail message that is sent to event attendees, informing them of the date, time, duration, and URL of the event. The way that invitations are sent depends on the type of event:

Invitees Only
If your event is for registered users only, you create a custom e‑mail message in Connect Central. You can send the e‑mail to all registered participants and presenters, presenters only, or participants only. You can customize the subject and message body. You also have the option to attach a Microsoft Outlook Calendar iCal so that participants can add the event to their Outlook Calendar.

If your event is open to anyone who receives the event URL, you can create a new e‑mail message in your default e‑mail program. This message contains a pre-populated subject and a pre-populated message (event date, time, duration, location, and summary), but you can edit the text.

  1. Select the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. In the Event Information page, click the Participant Management link in the navigation bar.
  4. Click Edit/Send Invitations in the navigation bar.
  5. (Optional) If you want to send a blind copy of the invitation to anyone, add the e‑mail address in the BCC Recipients box. This can be useful if, for example, you want coworkers to know that you sent the invitation.
  6. Edit the subject and the message body.

    If you edit the text, there are several fields in curly brackets ({}). In general, do not change any of the fields, unless you have a specific reason for doing so. The curly brackets contain variables that the system replaces with actual values that are specific to your event.

    Note: If you choose to add any of the extra run time fields to the e‑mail message, please note that {user-email} is the e‑mail address of the event manager, not invited attendees. For the recipient’s login-ID in the event notification, use the {login} field.
  7. To attach an iCal, select the check box next to the Attach Microsoft Outlook Calendar Event (iCal) To E‑mail Message option.
  8. Click Send.

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