Change an existing event

Before an event occurs, you can change its beginning time, change participant permissions, or make other modifications.

Check the Current Participants list periodically to check that you have enough licenses for the number of attendees listed there and that all attendees meet approval criteria.

Also check the most current registration reports, which show information about your attendees and invitees. If you selected or customized questions to help identify potential participants, you can also view the responses to questions.

Notify users of a change

If you modify an existing event, for example, by setting a new start time, you can easily notify users by e‑mail.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the name of the event you want to change.
  4. Open the E‑mail Options page and select Show Reminder When Updates Need To Be Sent.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Open the Event Information page and scroll to the Status field.
  7. Click Edit/Send Notifications, make any necessary changes, and click Send.

Change event information

You can edit the text on the Event Information page for event participants. If you select the e‑mail option “Notify users when event has been updated,” any invitee whom you have previously notified about the event automatically receives updated information.

Note: If you have sent invitations but did not select the “Notify users when event has been updated” option, you should do so before changing the profile information, so that potential attendees can be aware of your changes.
  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the name of the event you want to change.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit link next to Event Information.

    • Click the Edit Information link.

  5. Change any of the following:
    • Edit the event name. The name appears in the event list and in reports. This is a required field.

    • Edit the event information. The information can be up to 750 characters in length. This text appears on the Event Information page and in event reports.

    • Edit detailed information about the event (up to 1000 characters in length).

    • Edit the start time or end time of the event.

    • Edit the time zone of the event.

    • Edit the logo information. The logo file can be in BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG format. The best size to use is 100x135 pixels.

    • Change the language for the event. Customarily you select the language used by the presenter or the language used by the majority of event attendees.

    • Change the event user policy to add new users as guests or full Connect users.

    • Change the option to approve participants after they register for the event. (In general it is best to have this option selected because it allows you to control who has access to the event.)

  6. Save your changes in one of two ways:
    • Click Save.

    • Click Save And Rebuild. (This option rebuilds HTML pages if you use Adobe Contribute® to build pages.)

Change registration questions

You can change any registration question, except the required questions (first name, last name, e‑mail, and password), which the system uses to validate a user.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Modify the registration questions:
    • To add a question to the registration page, select the check box to the left of the question and click Save.

    • To remove a question from the registration page, deselect the check box to the left of the question and click Save.

  6. To modify, delete, or add custom questions, click Customize.
    • To change the order of questions in the list, select the check box to the left of the question, and click Shift Up or Shift Down.

    • To delete a question, select the check box to the left of the question and click Remove.

    • To modify a custom question, click the question text in the Customize window.

    • To add a question, click the button that corresponds to the type of custom question you want to add: New Multiple Choice, New Short Answer, or New Yes/No.

  7. When you finish, click Return To Registration Menu.

Add a multiple-choice question

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. Click New Multiple Choice.
  7. In the Question window, type a question in the box.
  8. Type a possible answer for Answer 1. You can delete an answer at any time by clicking the Delete button next to it.
  9. Click the Add Above or Add Below buttons to add another answer above or below Answer 1; if you click Add Above, Answer 1 becomes Answer 2.
  10. Type another possible answer.
  11. Repeat steps for a maximum of four answers.
  12. To require that users answer the question, select Response Is Required.
  13. Click Save. The Customize Registration window appears, showing your new question.

Add a short-answer question

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. Click New Short Answer.
  7. Type a question in the box.
  8. To require that users answer the question, select Response Is Required.
  9. Click Save. The Customize Registration window appears, showing your new question.

Add a yes/no question

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. Click New Yes/No.
  7. Type a question in the box.
  8. To require that users answer the question, select Response Is Required.
  9. Click Save. The Customize Registration window appears, showing your new question.

Change event content

You can replace event content only with content of the same type, for example, you can replace one meeting with another. You cannot add any new content to the Content library from here; you can select only existing content for your event.

In addition, if you purchased Adobe Presenter, you can publish presentations from PowerPoint to the Content library for your event. If you plan to use an existing presentation for an event, republish the PowerPoint presentation to a Content library folder other than the one containing the original presentation. If you do not, the reporting information for the original presentation will be merged with the event-specific report data, and any event-specific data will be carried over into any future reports for the original presentation.
Note: For content other than courses and curriculum, the system tracks only whether the user has viewed the event. For example, users who view only the first slide in a presentation are reported as having attended the event. In contrast, users who view only a few of the slides in a course or curriculum are not reported as having attended; that is, users must complete and return the course to appear on the report as attendees. (Also, you can view Time In and Time Out information by viewing the event By Attendee report.)
  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. At the top of the Event Information page, click the Select Content link.
  5. If the content you want does not appear in the list, navigate to the file or folder where the content that you want resides:
    • Click the appropriate link at the top of the tab (for example, Shared User Content if you are replacing content).

    • Scroll to the folder or file that you want and either select the check box to the left of it or click the folder or file, as appropriate. If you are in the Content library, click Up One Level to navigate to a higher folder directory.

  6. Click Save.

Change event e‑mail options

You can change e‑mail options for any of the e‑mail notification, reminders, or follow‑up messages before they are sent. (Some messages are selected by default.)

You can customize an e‑mail message. In several types of messages, you can attach a Microsoft Outlook Calendar (iCal) entry that adds the event to the recipient’s Outlook Calendar.

When you customize an e‑mail form, there are several fields in curly brackets ({}) in the Message Body area. In general, do not change any of the fields, unless you have a specific reason for doing so. The curly brackets contain variables that the system replaces with actual values that are specific to your event. For example, the event-time field displays the beginning time you specified. If you want to change that time in the e‑mail message, perhaps making it 15 minutes earlier to ensure that the actual event can begin on time, you can manually type in a new time in the event-time field.

Note: If you choose to add any of the extra run time fields to the e‑mail message, please note that {user-email} is the e‑mail address of the event manager, not invited attendees. For the recipient’s login-ID in the event notification, use the {login} field.
  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event.
  4. Click the Email Options link at top of the Events tab. Do any of the following:
    • Select the check box to the left of the e‑mail messages you want to send.

    • Deselect any e‑mail messages you do not want to send.

    • Click Customize next to any messages that you want to edit. For example, you can change the name of the creator to the name of the host, or the time to Greenwich Mean Time. (You can edit messages, but do not change any of the items in curly brackets ({}) on the Edit E‑mail page.)

  5. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to exit the e‑mail form.

Edit the mailing list

You can add and delete users, groups, and guests from the mailing list.

Note: Each time you create an event, the system creates a group named after the event and populates it with the invited users. This makes it easy to invite the same people to a follow‑up event: in the Users And Groups list, simply select the group from the previous event.
  1. Click the Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event.
  4. Click Participant Management.
  5. Edit users or guests:
    • Click Add Guest and type or paste in e‑mail addresses for all your invitees; use commas to separate the addresses.

    • Click Add User/Group and, in the Available Users And Groups list, select each user and/or group that you want to invite.

    • Click Registration Groups and, in the Possible Groups list, select each group you want to invite. (You must be an account administrator to select event registration groups.)

    • Click Import/Export List and then click Browse to navigate to a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

    • Click Edit/Send Invitations to customize and send the event invitation. (You can edit the invitation, but do not change any of the items in curly brackets ({}) in the message body.)

      Note: If you choose to add any of the extra run time fields to the e‑mail message, please note that {user-email} is the e‑mail address of the event manager, not invited attendees. For the recipient’s login-ID in the event notification, use the {login} field.

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