Next, add the text “Hello world!” to the application:
Select the Text Tool and click the stage.
In the Properties settings for the text field, select Classic
Text (not TLF Text).
This is a basic application, and Classic
Text is adequate. To use TLF Text, you need to apply some other
settings. See
Fonts and text input
In the new text field, type “Hello World!”
Select the text field with the Selection Tool.
Then open the Properties inspector, make the following settings:
Character > Family: _sans
Character > Size: 50
Position > X: 20
Position > Y: 20
Save the file.
Select Control > Test Movie > In AIR Debug Launcher
Flash Professional CS5 compiles the SWF content
and displays a version of the application in the AIR Debug Launcher
(ADL). This gives you a quick preview of your application.