Extension context initialization

To use the native C methods, the ActionScript side of your extension first calls the static method ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext() . Calling createExtensionContext() causes the runtime to do the following:

  • Create an ExtensionContext instance.

  • Create internal data it uses to track the extension context.

  • Call the extension context initialization function.

The extension context initialization function initializes the native implementation for the new extension context. Define your extension context initializer function with the signature of FREContextInitializer() .

For example, the Vibration example uses the following function:

void ContextInitializer(void* extData, const uint8_t* ctxType, FREContext ctx, 
                        uint32_t* numFunctionsToSet, 
                        const FRENamedFunction** functionsToSet) { 
    *numFunctionsToSet = 2; 
    FRENamedFunction* func = (FRENamedFunction*)malloc(sizeof(FRENamedFunction)*2); 
    func[0].name = (const uint8_t*)"isSupported"; 
    func[0].functionData = NULL; 
    func[0].function = &IsSupported; 
    func[1].name = (const uint8_t*)"vibrateDevice"; 
    func[1].functionData = NULL; 
    func[1].function = &VibrateDevice; 
    *functionsToSet = func; 

A context initialization function receives the following input parameters:

  • The extension data that the extension initialization function had created. See Extension initialization .

  • The context type. The ActionScript method ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext() is passed a parameter that specifies the context type. The runtime passes this string value to the context initialization function. The function then uses the context type to choose the set of methods in the native implementation that the ActionScript side can call. Each context type typically corresponds to a different set of methods. See The context type .

    The value of the context type is any string agreed to between the ActionScript side and the native side.

    If your extension has only one set of methods in the native implementation, pass null or an empty string in ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext() . Then ignore the context type parameter in the extension context initializer.

  • A FREContext value. The runtime creates internal data when it creates an extension context. It associates the internal data with the ExtensionContext class instance on the ActionScript side.

    When your native implementation dispatches an event the ActionScript side, it specifies this FREContext value. The runtime uses the FREContext value to dispatch the event to the corresponding ExtensionContext instance. See FREDispatchStatusEventAsync() .

    Also, native functions can use this value to access and set the context-specific native data and context-specific ActionScript data.

The extension context initialization function sets the following output parameters:

  • An array of native functions. The ActionScript side can call each of these functions by using the ExtensionContext instance’s call() method.

    The type of each array element is FRENamedFunction . This structure includes a string which is the name the ActionScript side uses to call the function. The structure also includes a pointer to the C function you write. The runtime associates the name with the C function. Although the name string does not have to match the actual function name, typically you use the same name.

  • The number of functions in the array of native functions.

A sequence diagram showing the AIR runtime calling the FREContextInitializer() function is in Extension initialization .

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