The AIR update framework completes the update process in
the following steps:
The updater initialization checks to see if an update
check has been performed within the defined delay interval (see Configuring the update settings). If an update check is due, the update
process continues.
The updater downloads and interprets the update descriptor
The updater downloads the update AIR file.
The updater installs the updated version of the application.
The updater object dispatches events at the completion of each
of these steps. In the ApplicationUpdater version, you can cancel
the events that indicate successful completion of a step in the
process. If you cancel one of these events, the next step in the
process is canceled. In the ApplicationUpdaterUI version, the updater
presents a dialog box allowing the user to cancel or proceed at
each step in the process.
If you cancel the event, you can call methods of the updater
object to resume the process.
As the ApplicationUpdater version of the updater progresses through
the update process, it records its current state, in a currentState property.
This property is set to a string with the following possible values:
"UNINITIALIZED"—The updater has not
been initialized.
"INITIALIZING"—The updater is initializing.
"READY"—The updater has been initialized
"BEFORE_CHECKING"—The updater has not yet
checked for the update descriptor file.
"CHECKING"—The updater is checking for an
update descriptor file.
"AVAILABLE"—The updater descriptor file
is available.
"DOWNLOADING"—The updater is downloading
the AIR file.
"DOWNLOADED"—The updater has downloaded
the AIR file.
"INSTALLING"—The updater is installing the
AIR file.
"PENDING_INSTALLING"—The updater has initialized
and there are pending updates.
Some methods of the updater object only execute if the updater
is in a certain state.