Defining update settings ActionScript or JavaScript code

These configuration parameters can also be set using code in the application, as in the following:

appUpdater.updateURL = ""; 
appUpdater.delay = 1;

The properties of the updater object are updateURL and delay. These properties define the same settings as the updateURL and delay elements in the configuration file: the URL of the update descriptor file and the interval for checking for updates. If you specify a configuration file and settings in code, any properties set using code take precedence over corresponding settings in the configuration file.

You must define the updateURL property, either via the configuration file or via script (see Defining the update descriptor files and adding the AIR file to your web server) before using the updater (before calling the initialize() method of the updater object, described in Initializing the update framework).

The ApplicationUpdaterUI framework defines these additional properties of the updater object:

  • isCheckForUpdateVisible—Corresponding to the Check for Update, No Update, and Update Error dialog boxes

  • isDownloadUpdateVisible—Corresponding to the Download Update dialog box

  • isDownloadProgressVisible—Corresponding to Download Progress and Download Error dialog boxes

  • isInstallUpdateVisible—Corresponding to Install Update dialog box

  • isFileUpdateVisible—Corresponding to File Update, File No Update, and File Error dialog boxes

  • isUnexpectedErrorVisible—Corresponding to Unexpected Error dialog box

Each property corresponds to one or more dialog box in the ApplicationUpdaterUI user interface. Each property is a Boolean value, with a default value of true. When set to false the corresponding dialog boxes do not appear as part of the update procedure.

These dialog box properties override settings in the update configuration file.

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