Initializing the update framework

After setting the configuration properties (see Basic example: Using the ApplicationUpdaterUI version), call the initialize() method to initialize the update:


This method does the following:

  • It initializes the update framework, silently installing synchronously any pending updates. It is required to call this method during application startup because it may restart the application when it is called.

  • It checks if there is a postponed update and installs it.

  • If there is an error during the update process, it clears the update file and version information from the application storage area.

  • If the delay has expired, it starts the update process. Otherwise it restarts the timer.

Calling this method can result in the updater object dispatching the following events:

  • UpdateEvent.INITIALIZED—Dispatched when the initialization is complete.

  • ErrorEvent.ERROR—Dispatched when there is an error during initialization.

Upon dispatching the UpdateEvent.INITIALIZED event, the update process is completed.

When you call the initialize() method, the updater starts the update process, and completes all steps, based on the timer delay setting. However, you can also start the update process at any time by calling the checkNow() method of the updater object:


This method does nothing if the update process is already running. Otherwise, it starts the update process.

The updater object can dispatch the following event as a result of the calling the checkNow() method:

  • UpdateEvent.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE event just before it attempts to download the update descriptor file.

If you cancel the checkForUpdate event, you can call the checkForUpdate() method of the updater object. (See the next section.) If you do not cancel the event, the update process proceeds to check for the update descriptor file.

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