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Filters: Retrieving Data from Server...
Retrieving Data from Server... 


The package contains classes for working with LiveCycle Data Services.

 IAccessPrivileges Objects that must restrict access must implement the IAccessPrivileges interface.
 IChangeObject Provides the methods and properties needed when detecting local conflicts.
 IManaged The IManaged interface provides the contract for a managed object.
 IPagedList The IPagedList is a marker interface for list implementations that implement their own paging.
 ITokenResponder An extension of mx.rpc.IResponder with an additional result token, AsyncToken field.
 AccessPrivileges Encapsulates the allowed privileges and provides access to simple descriptions of what operations are allowed.
 CacheDataDescriptor The CacheDataDescriptor class provides information about the attributes of cached data.
 Conflict Represents an error that has occurred due to an update operation.
 ConflictDetector A DataService instance uses a ConflictDetector instance to determine when a conflict occurs for an operation pushed from a remote destination.
 Conflicts The Conflicts class represents a list of conflicts.
 DataManager The DataManager class provides synchronization functionality with objects on the server for all instances of a specific data type.
 DataService The DataService class provides the top-level functionality for the Data Management Service.
 DataServiceAdapter The DataServiceAdapter class is the abstract base class which you use to implement a new type of DataService implementation.
 DataServiceOfflineAdapter Provides persistence for a DataManager's offline cached items.
 DataStore A DataStore batches transactions for one or more DataService instances.
 DataStoreEventDispatcher Dispatches data-store-related events.
 DynamicManagedItem Typed managed item that is dynamic should extend this class so that events are executed when dynamic properties are changed.
 DynamicProperty Describes the name and type of a dynamic property.
 ItemReference An ItemReference instance is returned from the DataService.getItem() and DataService.createItem() methods to provide a way to manage a reference to the remote object.
 ManagedAssociation This class is used to represent an association as part of the data management metadata.
 ManagedObjectProxy The ManagedObjectProxy class provides the ability to track changes to an item that is anonymous and managed by a DataService.
 ManagedOperation The ManagedOperation class is used to represent a managed service operation for an RPC service that uses client-side data management.
 ManagedQuery Use an instance of this class to define a query that is managed by the Data Management Service.
 ManualSyncConfiguration This class is used when you need more control for how clients share data with other clients than is provided by the autoSyncEnabled feature.
 MessageBatch Represents a group of changes: creates, updates, deletes, and update collection messages.
 MessageCacheItem Represents an element of the MessageBatch's items property.
 MessagingDataServiceAdapter DataServiceAdapter implementation for a LiveCycle Data Services backend.
 PageInformation The PageInformation class provides detailed data about what pages of a collection have been loaded, how many there are, and what the current page size is.
 RPCDataManager The RPCDataManager is a component you can use to manage objects which are retrieved using a service such as RemoteObject, WebService, and HTTPMultiService.
 RPCDataServiceAdapter This is the abstract base class which you use to implement a new type of DataService implementation.
 SQLiteOfflineAdapter Provides a SQLite-based persistence format for a DataManager's offline cached items.
 UpdateCollectionRange The UpdateCollectionRange class provides specific information about a range of add and remove operations made to a collection.